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Wedding Weekend

Friday morning the wedding preparations started. I met my aunt at the Hamilton House in Hot Springs. The ceremony would be held there and the reception across Central Ave. at the Old Mill. We couldn't do much because it stormed Friday night. The Old Mill wouldn't even let us in until 5:45 Saturday. So Friday we hung jar lids from the bars above the seating area. I have to say it was easier that hanging them from the oak tree at our wedding. Afterwards, we took stickers off 150 jars and stuffed a candle in them.
All I will say about the rehearsal is that no one knew what was suppose to be going on. It was storming. The Bride was stuck in Little Rock because of a wreck. The Hamilton House had to close or pay them more money to stay later. Well, since it was pouring down rain, rehearsal was rescheduled for Saturday afternoon at 3:00. After the rehearsal dinner my aunt and I started the flowers.

I made floral rings to go around the glass vases the Old Mill already had on their tables. My aunt worked on the bouquets and boutonnières. I also made the corsages. We used rhinestone costume jewelry on them. I loved the bling. Hobby Lobby had rhinestone ribbon that I wrapped around the bride's bouquet Saturday.

Arrangement for the quest book table.
It was 1:30 in the morning before we were finished! Saturday morning started early. We drove back out to The Hamilton House. We screwed all the jar lids on and tried to light as many candles as we could. The wind kept blowing them out. We placed candles along the railing too.
We left around to noon to grab lunch and run a few errands. We were back in time for rehearsal. I left to go finish up the bouquets and get ready. At 5:00 I dropped the bouquets, corsages, and boutonnières off. Nobody was close to being ready and pictures were at 5:00. I left and crept slowly across town. It literally took me 35 minutes to get down Central in racing traffic. We had an hour to get the Old Mill set up. Luckily they hold weddings there all the time and already had tables, chairs, and arrangements set up. We just added to them.

The wedding was absolutely gorgeous!! Even if it did start almost 30 minutes late. My parents and I stayed at the top. One, Kev was late because of a four car pile up and two, we helped direct the wedding party.
After two very late nights in a row, we slept until 11:00 Sunday. That never happens!!


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