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Showing posts from March, 2014

Wedding Weekend

Friday morning the wedding preparations started. I met my aunt at the Hamilton House in Hot Springs. The ceremony would be held there and the reception across Central Ave. at the Old Mill. We couldn't do much because it stormed Friday night. The Old Mill wouldn't even let us in until 5:45 Saturday. So Friday we hung jar lids from the bars above the seating area. I have to say it was easier that hanging them from the oak tree at our wedding. Afterwards, we took stickers off 150 jars and stuffed a candle in them. All I will say about the rehearsal is that no one knew what was suppose to be going on. It was storming. The Bride was stuck in Little Rock because of a wreck. The Hamilton House had to close or pay them more money to stay later. Well, since it was pouring down rain, rehearsal was rescheduled for Saturday afternoon at 3:00. After the rehearsal dinner my aunt and I started the flowers. I made floral rings to go around the glass vases the

Kitchen Towel Obsession

Since moving into the new house, I have been obsessed with kitchen towels. Whether I'm at Target, Walmart, Marshall's, Pier One, I always look at kitchen towels. sometimes I restrain myself from purchasing them and others not so much. I found this one at Walmart. There was another one I wanted too.  These are some other ones I have purchased in the last couple of months. I plan on continuing to expand my collection.  Yesterday I ended up spending three hours helping dad unclog my toilet and flush some mud from tiling the shower out of the pipes. Let me tell you there is nothing more boring than watching water flow through your pipes. Now for a wedding weekend!!!!

Porches and Patios

Wednesday I messed around the house some. I found this material at Hobby Lobby Tuesday and wanted to make some pillows for outside. Well, come to find out the spool pin on my sewing machine broken during the move. I will have to order a replacement. However, I wanted my pillows now! Like I said, I feel like I have been nesting this week. I ran to the store and bought some Stitch Witch. It worked perfectly. I chose to make covers so that I could change them out if I want to without buying new pillows. It also allows you to wash them if needed. I used a pattern I found on Pinterest. Please ignore the clip lamp. I have fans coming Monday, so we will have real light out back. A friend of mine is getting rid of two rod iron chaise lounges and a small table. I told her I wanted them. I'm going to put red cushions on the lounge chairs and make two rectangular pillows for them. I will finally have a real table instead of an old column. I will probably repaint the column

House Updates

My Bathroom is FINALLY finished!! Dad installed the mirror and shower door Monday. I can finally see myself. It makes the bathroom look so much bigger. I'm glad I waited and splurged for the full mirror instead of two framed mirrors. I like this look so much better. I've been taking a shower in our shower even without a shower door, but tonight I will finally be able to take one without water going into the tub. The silicon is try, I cleaned the glass, and it's ready for use. Maybe kev will take one in here now and I will only have one shower to clean. I did all the touch up painting Monday. I peeled/sanded the paint off the trim piece on the back doors for some reason the paint peeled. Dad isn't sure why. It's never happened to him before. I'm sure it's the painter and that would be me!  The doors are the only painting that is left and I have to get more paint tomorrow. We wanted to make sure it didn't peel before we purchased more. I plan on do

Spring Breaking

We are Spring Breaking this week!! I got to sleep in this morning since dad wasn't here. If you can even call sleeping until 8:00 sleeping in. Anyways. It was nice. Even the babies didn't want to get up. I went to lunch with a couple of teacher friends. We tried a new place called The Main Cheese. Hello gourmet grilled cheese. It was fabulous! Kev was jealous, so we will be going back soon. After lunch I shopped. I found the lamp on the right at Marshall's on Clearance. The light socket was a little wobbly, but superglue fixed it. I've had the lamp on the left for years. It was in the living room at the rent house. I loved the color in our master bedroom and wanted to find something similar. They are exactly the same color and I love the fact they they don't match but sort of do.  A friend posted a picture of these books on Facebook tonight. The top one caught my eye so I bought it  and will be reading it tonight. I may check out the others too.


Look who came to see me today!! I love this girl!

Kiss Me I'm Irish

So I played hookie yesterday. My college roommate has lived abroad since graduate school, so we rarely get to see each other. However, she does come through the states at least once a year. We always try to see each other someway or somehow. Sometimes it's just a passing through (Missouri to Texas) lunch, sometimes it's a day or two. Today we enjoyed a two and a half hour lunch and lots of chatting. You know a great friend when you can not see each other for months and pick up like you talked just yesterday. Hopefully we will be able to plan a trip to Malaysia before they move again. In honor of St. Paddy's Day I cooked an irish dinner. This year I made Shepard's Pie and cabbage. I've never even eaten Shepard's Pie. I found a couple of recipes on Pinterest and tried one out. It was really good. Next time I will put a little more spice. You start by browning the ground beef in a skillet and adding onions, garlic, paprika, and thyme. When that is cooked

Crazy Arkansas Weather

This picture says it all. Yesterday it rained all day. Early this morning it snowed. And tomorrow it will be 60 and sunny.  I'm documenting this... March 17 St. Patrick's Day. It snowed. Northern Arkansas got 1-4 inches! We only got 1/10 of an inch. According to the weather, it hasn't snowed this late in March since 1971!! I'm freaking ready for spring!!!!!

Weekend Mornings and Pinterest

Saturday morning Kev surprised me with a sleeve of Trefoils. My absolute favorite Girl Scout cookie! I ate half of them with my coffee and put the other half away for another time. Kev usually works Saturday morning doing side jobs, so I run errands and clean house. that leaves us with Sunday to relax or do things around the house. This Sunday it rained ALL day, so we relaxed. I organized my Pinterest Boards. If something ever happens to Pinterest I will be lost! I use it to store everything!!!!! Recipes. Decorative ideas and tips. Projects and crafts. You name it, I probably have a board for it. So I deleted some boards dealing with construction ideas that I no longer need, deleted some duplicate pins, and moved/renamed some. I'm not one of those people that can have one food board titled yummy foods or deserts. I need one for every freaking type. They organize cookbooks that way for a reason. You don't have to look through 400 recipes to find a fish recipe, just look in

Paint Party

Last night I went to one of the ever most popular paint parties with my mom's church's women's group. (Boy, that's a lot of possessive nouns.) It was actually quiet fun and I really think I want to buy a few canvases and paint them for the house. Several years ago I painted a few fun girly canvases for a friends little girls. Anyways. Back to the party. We painted crosses. The background. Drawing and painting the cross. lots of people used a stencil they had, but I didn't like the shape of it.  The finished product. The orange wasn't bright enough, I'm going to touch it up with some orange I have here. I honestly can't wait to start painting more. I loved art classes that I took in Jr. High and was actually really good. For some reason once we moved to Lake Hamilton I only danced. I stopped running track and taking art.

Shoe Shopping

Well… I haven't been Shoe Shopping (Yes, it's an event, so it deserves capital letters.) since fall. With the exception of my boots and that was Christmas Money. All of my extra spending money has gone to things I want for the house and I have a feeling that this will happen for awhile. Sunday we met a friend for pizza and Mellow Mushroom. We just happened to have to pass the Promenade and had a few minutes to kill. DSW was calling my name and I managed to convince Kev to stop. I just glanced over everything quickly and found a cute pair in the clearance section. I didn't get them right then, however I went back today and got them. As I walked around I took pictures of some ones I loved. I found these across the way at Charming Charlie. I will probably go back and get them sometime soon! I also really want the gray ones and the Jessica Simpson Flats! I could easily go in DSW and walk out with 5 pairs of fabulous shoes! However, I would NOT be walking ou

Candy Land First Birthday

One of my bestie's little girl turned one Friday! Her party was today and I went to help set everything up. She did an amazing job with all the decorations. Gift table Cake table The cake! It was Red Velvet! Candy tables Close ups of the candy tables. I brought Kev and I a huge bag of candy home.  The guest tables all had gumball machines for centerpieces.  I love the idea of a candy bar party!! I think the next get together we have at the house I may have one.