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Run for a Wish

This morning I woke up at 4:15 to get ready for the Chi Omega Run for a Wish 5K. It was extremely difficult to get going since I had stayed up til midnight Friday night. We went to dinner with Kev's family and stayed out way past my bedtime.

SoI got moving and I drove the 2 1/2 hours to Jonesboro. It was actually a nice drive. No one was out and about at that time of the morning.

Since I stuffed my face with steak the night before instead of carbs, I took along some sport beans. I usually only use those for longs runs but figured it wouldn't hurt. Well.... I forgot to eat them.

All in all it was a nice run. I didn't win a place this year, but made good time considering this is the third time I've ran since the LR Half. The girl who placed third in my age group literally crossed the finish line seconds before me. I'm good with forth place.
They granted a little girl a wish this morning for a play house. Now I was picturing a house that you set in the backyard. No not this play house. It sits up in a tree. Not just one tree but two. It has a walking bridge that goes to a lookout point. It's pretty awesome! I wanted a picture of the drawing they had displayed but couldn't get it. I was at the wrong angle and too many people back.


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