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A Barn Wedding It Is!

I think I mentioned on here before that my dad was going to ask a couple he has done work for over the years if we could use their barn for our wedding. Well when he first asked if they rented it out they said no, but then she asked who he was asking for. When he told her it was for me she said it would be no problem. So I went out there with my mom and dad to check it out. It's absolutely perfect!!!! Last year their daughter got married there. Dad did lots of work on the barn, put in a brick floor and built them a bar. They still have all the hooks to hang lights on the fence posts along the road and coming into the farm. I will be using those. The big Oak tree where the ceremony will be still has lights in it and they work.
The inside is just big enough for the food and drinks and a few tables. Both sides have a covered pad for more tables.  This side even has a sign showing where the bar is located. I will have to have a tent in the pasture for the dance floor and a few more tables. My aunt can't wait to get out there so she can start creating her vision for decorations and lights. I'm very blessed that she is taking care of all the decorations and flowers, with my help of course. She has waited all my life for this day. I'm the only girl on my mom's side of the family.
Anyways. It's going to be an amazing place for pictures too. I may see if I can take some of my bridal pictures out there. If you walk down to the next pasture, there's another huge Oak tree with a wooden swing. Right now one of the ropes is broken, but that can be fixed. Right next to the edge of the woods sits a remodeled cabin (also done by dad) with a little bridge to cross the very tiny ditch.


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