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New Running Gear

Let em just say that I LOVE buying running gear! I bought this shirt from CafePress. They have really cute sayings. I bought Kev one that said "I don't do half marathons, I do a half marathon runner." He wore it for the St. Jude Half. anyways I'm wearing this one for the race sunday. It fit me. I love to run and I love to run the races, but I'm lousy at training. Since the first of December, I have ran maybe 15 times. Most have been short 2-3 miles runs. My long runs have consisted of two five milers, a 7.5 miler, and a 10 miler.

My new Under Armour jacket! I have a black one very similar to this one. I have several capris with pink in them so when i saw this on the website, I just had to have it. It was even on sale! Well... they didn't have it in my size.  I did a google search for it and found it on eBay for the same price as the sale. I love it because it has the thumb holes so you can pull it over your hands and knuckles. It makes a world of difference on really cold  days.

I knew that I needed new running shoes after the St. Jude Half. I love the ones that I had so I google searched them and found them half off at Run Outlet. 

I stumbled upon these at Academy. I needed some cross trainers that fit my foot tighter for P90X. (Running shoes have to be a half size bigger.) These are actually a youth size 5. Which is fine by me because the women's were $50 more.

Last but not least, my two new BIC bands. They're not suppose to slid but mine do. I'm not sure if it's the band or the size of my head. They are a little loose to begin with. For the most part they do they job and they are super cute.

Oh. I can't forget my Jelly Belly Sports Beans! Gotta have energy. 

Poison Ivy isn't much better. My face has cleared up but my stomach and arms are still covered. It's suppose to be 26 race morning, so hopefully I won't sweat and it won't spread.


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