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The Rest of the Week and Weekend

Thursday I met a friend of mine that was putting Lilly's name on her diaper covers. They turned out so cute!! After that I rushed to Hot Springs to visit. It was my Papaw's birthday and we were taking him to dinner. I'm so fortunate to still have him in  my life and hopefully he will be able to meet our child one day.
Friday I didn't have summer school and planned to get up and get moving early. Well.... That didn't happen. I slept until 11:00!!! I don't ever sleep late much less until lunch. It was a stormy day so my pool plans were canceled. I did manage to visit with a friend and her daughter for a little while. I clean house some and did laundry.

Saturday morning I was up early to run to the grocery store. I needed a few things for banana pudding, my usual Forth of July dessert. Hatfield wanted to ride and since it was early, not hot, and I only had a few things to get I let him.
Lilly is content laying around doing nothing all day! They are so opposite.
Saturday night we went over to Brett and Mindy's for the usual Forth of July cookout. We were home before dark and got to watch ALL of the neighbor's fireworks. I counted at least five different houses that we could see. There is a plus to living on a hill.

Sunday morning I started on floors. My goal this summer to finally put the topcoat of wax on them. I wanted to do it when the ceiling was getting fixed and the furniture was out, but I spent too much time repairing a few places.  I started with rooms that didn't require moving much furniture; our closet, both bathrooms, laundry room, and office. I love the shine that it gives them. I just hope it last for a while.
The baby birds finally took flight Sunday afternoon.
I dig up a few of my Papaws Cannas Thursday and finally planted them along the drive Sunday afternoon while Kev weed-eated. I'm hoping they will provide a little privacy from the neighbors gate.
We finished the weekend with Sushi for dinner!! Overall it was a very productive and great weekend! One more week of summer school and four weeks off.


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