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Beach Trip

Our trip to the beach was so relaxing! I woke up about 6:00 every morning and took our chairs and umbrella to the beach. If you wanted a good spot close to the water, you had to set up before the rental guys. Once everything was set up, I would get my coffee and have some quiet time on the beach. We always stay at the Hampton Inn and they have a wonderful breakfast buffet that we enjoyed each morning. Kev usually came down about 10:00 to join me.
We stopped in the Wave store across the street and he bought a selfie stick. He loves that thing and we took tons of selfies. So warning... this post will have selfie overload.
Friday Afternoon Beach Selfie
About 3:30 Friday afternoon a storm with lots of lightning came out of no where. The umbrella rental guys frantically picked up umbrellas and chairs. We packed everything up and started taking things inside. We decided to leave the chairs and umbrella since there was no ways I could get them with the bags and ice chest. Kev was taking the huge rafts he bought to the car. I didn't even bother standing in line to shower the sand off my feet. We met back in the room and was standing on the balcony when we see a pavilion canopy start flying down the beach and take out our umbrella. We rushed downstairs and out to the beach. We pulled the umbrella out of the sand and the canopy flew back and hit Kev in the head. About this time, the rains tarted pelting down. We were soaking wet by the time we made it to the doors.

Thursday night we were starving and in a hurry to eat, so we just stopped in the first place that wasn't crowded, Shaggy's,  and it was just okay. Friday night we ate at the Grand Marlin and it was fabulous! We enjoyed a drink on the huge deck overlooking the sound while we waited on our table. It was so nice to eat outside every night.
Before Dinner Selfie
Saturday was a repeat of Friday, coffee on the beach, breakfast, lounging and reading on the beach, dinner, and nightly walk on the beach.
Playing with his selfie stick.
Here comes the selfies...

Saturday afternnon brought another storm. This time there wasn't lots of lightening and we had time to get everything inside with no problems. We even stopped to take a selfie.
I'm guessing we were bored while waiting in the room. Here are the silly selfies. This truly shows our personalities.

I don't want our only trip each year to be the beach, but as long as we have points and can stay for free, I'm all of it. I just want to be able to see different places each year.


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