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Garage Clean Up

I've been wanting to tackle the garage this summer, but knew it would take a good part of the day and it's so FREAKING HOT I wanted to do it early. It was a mess. Until Kev gets his shop, this is where we will store all of his crap! We have lived on a mud puddle for the last year and we finally got gravel for the whole drive. The garage was full of mud, dust, and dead beetles and I was tired of seeing it. Kev does a great job of keeping his stuff organized, but he has been working 14 hour days and just doesn't have time to worry with this kind of stuff right now. And since I am home for the summer I have 14 hours a day here, by myself and I get bored.

I started by taking everything out. Well almost everything. I left the big stuff. You can see all the mud and junk on the floor. The stairs were also covered in a thick layer of dust.
We have so much crap in there. My mom saved us a set of cabinets she took from her classroom. They bulldozer her school and everything in it. We need to bring them up here. We bought a few garage fast track systems and the metal shelves a while back. We need more.
I used the leaf blower to blow most of the debris and dust out. Then I sprayed it out with the water hose. I used a rag to wipe down the stairs, baseboards, and all the shelves. Yes, I took everything off of them. This is the gutter coil collection.
Everything that came back in got a good dusting or sprayed off. It's still cluttered, but at leaf it is clean and organized. We are hoping to save the money for his shop the is summer. Then we will have room for both vehicles in the garage.
I made him rows to walk down. That way he can easily see what he has and use it instead of buying new. It took a good six hours, but it's not dusty anymore. I can actually walk in there and now feel dirty and hopefully since we have gravel it will stay that way.


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