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The Weekend - Decorating, Cooking, and Yard Work

I've enjoyed Kev not working on Saturdays. We are getting lots done around the house. Of course we could work on the yard everyday and still have tons to do. We are diligently trying to get all of the trees at the bottom of the hill cut up and the limbs burned. Saturday we made two huge piles that are ready to burn. we burned one Saturday night and the other is still waiting. There are several piles of logs that need to be loaded up and taken to the log pile. The wheelbarrow is not an option. There is no way I am pushing it up the hill loaded with logs and I'm not asking Kev to do it either. We really need to purchase a four wheeler and small trailer to move wood and rocks around. As for now we will throw them as close to the road as possible and load them into the back of the truck.
I have a couple of decorating decisions to make. The top of the hutch fell off during the move. So we have just been using the bottom part as a buffet. When my aunt was up last weekend she suggested I hang the mirror above it and put the flower arrangement  in front. I do like it. We were planning to paint it red to match the couch and put a pop of red on the other side of the room.
I really like my hutch though, so I brought it in to see what it would look like. I like both, but I really like it with the top part. It would also provide more storage for bar glasses. If I use the whole thing, I think red will be too much. Especially with the reds in the wall art. I'm thinking slate gray with red on the back. It's a tough decision.
I folded four loads of laundry that I had let pile up all week. I turn around and Perla has made herself at home. So much for animal free clothes.
I tried a new recipe Sunday. Sweet potato chips. They turned out okay. I will they had been a little crispier. I sliced them thin with a mandolin and coated with olive oil, salt and pepper. They baked at 275 for about an hour. 

Some were a little burnt. I kept waiting for them to get crispy. Next time I will let them sit out longer. They finally crisped up when they cooled, however once I put them into the Ziploc bag they softened back up.
I also made a delicious sweet potato Chorizo hash for breakfast. Basically you cut up your potatoes and cook them with a little olive oil. I added a spinach kale mix I had on had along with sweet pepper and onion. The you just fry your egg to put on top. It made a lot and I was able to have it for breakfast a couple of time during the week.
We had a productive, yet relaxing weekend. Those kind are the best!


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