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Showing posts from February, 2015

Snow Day #4 and #5

More snow days! UGH!! I'm over them! Sunday afternoon we to eat a late lunch/early dinner around 3:00. it started sleeting and snowing pretty heavily while we were there. I had even talked Ken into walking around Home girds with me after we ate. Instead we headed straight home. I remember too well last year when my parents and I were caught out in a snow storm .   It didn't really do much Sunday night, but they canceled school based on what was predicted to come Monday late morning. Kev ran a few errands and I set out to get paint to finish the hutch. While in Home Depot it started snowing pretty hard. I made it home just in time. By the way, the AWD Acadia is a beast on slippery roads.  I gave the hutch another coat of gray and painted the back red. I still need to get knobs. I was missing a few of the ones that were on it or I would just paint them black. I also mixed some black paint with the green I bought to make it a little darker for our dresser. I pai

Snow Day # 3

A small snow storm came through last night. I woke up to an inch of snow. After school announcing last night that we would be open, this mooring they we were on a two-hour delay. I went ahead and got up at 5:30 and made coffee while I watched the news. A teacher friend and I were texting back and forth. By 7:30 the district had decided to close for the whole day. Since I was up I decided to build a fire and have my coffee. I did all of my school work yesterday, so today I will finalize our Ireland itenerary. The birds can finally get to some of their bird food. The sunrise. I love our land. We have some amazing views. The dogs love eating snow.

Snow Day

As predicted, we received an inch of ice.  I found this picture online. Today was parent/teacher conference day. Which means I would have had a workday and I had lots of work to do, but I've been wanting a snow day. The whole yard was a giant sheet of ice. Kev played with the dogs. Later that afternoon, we got bored and walked to the gas station about a mile away. I was not willing to get the Acadia out. Our street was a solid sheet of ice. It was fun to walk. The sunset was beautiful when we got back. This is the pasture our front yard overlooks. He was tired. I was productive during the day. I painted our hutch. I still need the red paint for the back panels. I also painted the drawers on our dresser teal. It was quite dark enough, so i am going to see if they can make it darker before I put on another coat. I didn't get any school work done toady, but I have a feeling that I will be stuck here again tomorrow.


We had a very low key Valentine's Day. I cooked dinner and we watched a movie. The Menu: Cranberry and Feta Salad with Raspberry Vinaigrette Pan Seared Filet Roasted Asparagus Pan-Fried Honey-Lemon Fingerling Potatoes Peanut Butter Brownies Everything was delicious! I ran to Home Depot this Saturday Morning to get paint. There's a chance for winter weather Monday. I will have a chance to paint some furniture. I didn't like all the brown on the wall, so I painted my shelves gray. It's the same gray I will use for the hutch. This was Saturday's forecast, spring like temperatures with a winter storm watch.

Our Weekend - Part Two

  I woke up around 2:00am and Kev wasn't in bed. I heard water running, so I figured he was up getting a drink. Well... It kept running. I got up and Lily had jumped out of the dog shower and turned on the shower. Water was everywhere. I used every towel in the laundry room to mop it up. I didn't have my glasses on so of course I couldn't really see. I threw all the wet towels in the washer. What a mess. I kind of worried about this happening and bought a cap, but since it didn't seem to be a problem we never used it.   Everyone sleeping in. Our bed looks like this every Sunday morning. Perla brought another mouse to the door last night. Sunday afternoon we went tout to Kev's dads to help him cut up a tree that fell.    The dogs went too. They are always so excited to ride. They ran around and got extra muddy and wet.

Our Weekend - Part One

Saturday morning Kev got up early to work. I caught up on my TV shows and cleaning. The animals enjoyed some bed time. I looked up and found this precious baby at my door. I tried and tried to get her to go home but she just stared at me. I finally called the number on her collar and she belonged to the neighbor at the bottom of the hill. He sent someone to pick her up. I felt really bad for her. She's his hunting dog and stays penned up most of the time. I never see her, but hear her howl all the time. Saturday night a friend brought chains and tongs to move these 12 foot logs out of the way. They are ready to take to the mill. We just have to get the pine tree cut into sections. Then we burned another pile of brush and branches. The moon's reflection on the pond was beautiful. This picture does not do it justice.

The Weekend - Decorating, Cooking, and Yard Work

I've enjoyed Kev not working on Saturdays. We are getting lots done around the house. Of course we could work on the yard everyday and still have tons to do. We are diligently trying to get all of the trees at the bottom of the hill cut up and the limbs burned. Saturday we made two huge piles that are ready to burn. we burned one Saturday night and the other is still waiting. There are several piles of logs that need to be loaded up and taken to the log pile. The wheelbarrow is not an option. There is no way I am pushing it up the hill loaded with logs and I'm not asking Kev to do it either. We really need to purchase a four wheeler and small trailer to move wood and rocks around. As for now we will throw them as close to the road as possible and load them into the back of the truck. I have a couple of decorating decisions to make. The top of the hutch fell off during the move. So we have just been using the bottom part as a buffet. When my aunt was up last weekend she