More snow days! UGH!! I'm over them! Sunday afternoon we to eat a late lunch/early dinner around 3:00. it started sleeting and snowing pretty heavily while we were there. I had even talked Ken into walking around Home girds with me after we ate. Instead we headed straight home. I remember too well last year when my parents and I were caught out in a snow storm . It didn't really do much Sunday night, but they canceled school based on what was predicted to come Monday late morning. Kev ran a few errands and I set out to get paint to finish the hutch. While in Home Depot it started snowing pretty hard. I made it home just in time. By the way, the AWD Acadia is a beast on slippery roads. I gave the hutch another coat of gray and painted the back red. I still need to get knobs. I was missing a few of the ones that were on it or I would just paint them black. I also mixed some black paint with the green I bought to make it a little darker for our dresser. I pa...