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Meet Hatfield

I've had Hatfield for over a year and still haven't figured out all his quirks. I "rescued" him from a friend of a friend of a friend. He was previously owned by a Texan that is a cop. Anyways, he (the cop) was assigned a K9 and troubled brewed between the two dogs. One day something happened and the German Shepard attacked Hatfield. (You can still see the scar from the bite.)
My dog Greta had run off a few months before during a snow storm. I searched and searched for months and never found her. I was really missing a companion, so I said Jake (Hatfield's previous name) could come live with me. I could tell right off that he was loving. He would crawl up on my lap to rest. He doesn't know he weighs 88 pounds. He thinks he's a lap dog.

The longer I had him I realized he had some issues. Issue #1 he hates being brushed. He tucks his tail under and eventually snapped at me. Issue #2 he will not get in the bathtub! He won't even get near it now days. I tried everything that first time and eventually got his 85 pound butt in the tub. Well this never happened again. When he knew that's what was going to happen he hid under the coffee table and snarled if I got near. Issue #3 if I'm having him sit, lay down, or come for a treat, he sits and lies down but instead of coming he hides under the coffee table or dining table. Weird. Right? However if I call him to come when we're outside he immediately comes. I just can't figure it out. What happened his first year of life for him to act that way.
First Bath!
I think he loves having Lilly around. They play ALL the time! One of his favorite things to do is ride in the car or truck. (I know for a fact his previous owner let him ride around the ranch with him.) He also loves going camping. We usually camp someplace where the dogs can run loose and explore.
Relaxing in the truck.
Swimming in Lake Winona
Play with me PLEASE!

Just a side note. All my dogs have been named after Widespread Panic songs.
Katie from Christmas Katie

My ex had an obsession with Slash of Guns n Roses, so Perla is named after his wife.

So. Now you've met each of my "children". Like I said before, there will be more stories about their lives. So stay tuned.


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