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Getting Ready for a New School Year!

Supposedly teachers have the summer off. Yeah, right. Today was my first official day of summer. Meaning I didn't have to sit in a workshop or class all day. Don't get me wrong, I have learned so much and enjoyed every class and workshop I attended. But they consumed 4 1/2 weeks of my 8 weeks off. Needless to say, I have not been getting the pool time I usually do. The other two weeks were spent working on my project and talking care of necessities  So today was the day! I had NOTHING to do! So what did I do? Worked in my classroom! Really. What is summer anyways?

I love starting a new year! I'm refreshed and ready to take on the world or at least my 24 third graders. I enjoy being able to take my time and make everything perfect. I hate feeling rushed. They can't possibly think that a teacher can set up her room, plan lessons, label student materials, and get organized in the day or two they give us in our contract. Yeah right! It took me all morning just to get everything I needed out and furniture moved into place. 

This is what my classroom looked like before I started. We have to take EVERYTHING down and move all furniture to the corner.

You can see I brought in things I have bought over the summer. I went school supply shopping yesterday! This is just the first load of junk. I love to hit up yard sales during the summer for games and books. I also got lots of math manipulatives and games at my fraction workshop. One day is going to have to be dedicated to finding a way to store the old, which already takes up all the cabinet space, with the new. EEKK!

A teacher's job truly never stops. You should see the ideas my teacher friends have pinned on Pinterest this summer! I've thought about starting a blog just to keep up with lessons and ideas throughout the year. I don't know. Maybe. I like the idea of being able to share with lots of people, but it seems like a lot of work. 

I forgot to take pictures before I left to show my progress.Oh well. I'll try to remember to in the morning when I drop some more stuff off.


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