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What I've Been Up To

It's been a crazy two weeks! I finished up the school year last week and started summer school today. To finish out the year I had to move my classroom. I'll be teaching 2nd grade next year. I've experienced many feelings about this change, but I'm okay with it now. I moved into the room of a teacher that was retiring. Well. She wasn't in any hurry to get out and  I was in a big hurry to get my things situated in cabinets and on shelves so that I wouldn't have so much to do in August. Let's face it, between moving my house, bridals showers, and the already heticness of school starting, August is going to be super busy. Anyways. Back to moving my classroom. I got all my stuff (and it's a whole lot) packed into boxes and baskets ready to go Wednesday morning. However the other teacher had not gotten anything out of her cabinets yet. So I asked the literacy coach to help her clean them out. They only part way cleaned them out. My kids helped me tote everything from my cabinets to her room and I stayed after school for four hours organizing/cramming my things into way fewer cabinets than I had before. The next day, my kids and I, along with a few fourth grade boys moved every desk and chair out of her room so that we could move my tables and chairs in. So, basically I moved two classrooms. I was exhausted by Friday.

I also had to finalize class list for summer school last week. I stayed up past midnight two night in a row! I was finally able to get everybody in a class with their same ability level. The finished lists!!
Saturday I met my parents at Gothams in Scott, Arkansas. It's only about 20 minutes from here. Some cousins from Mississippi where driving through to Branson and had seen Gotham's famous Hubcap Burgers on Man vs. Food. Of course they wanted to eat there, so we joined.

My parents rode their new trike. 

Dad and I split a Jalapeño Hubcap Burger
and Onion Rings.
The Double Hubcap Burger.
Two pounds of meat!

Kev decided he was going to fish in the private lake behind our new house Saturday. The ice storm in January caused a huge tree to fall on their fence and he just walked right over there. He caught about eight fish in 30 minutes! Most were small but there was one big one. I truly don't think anyone fishes on the lake. There are only nine houses in the subdivision and four on the lake.

Sunday was the my Family Reunion. It rained part of the day, but the sun finally cam out. I'll be busy being the literacy curriculum facilitator for summer school til July 12th and then four weeks of nothing!


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