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Things My Dad Did For Me

Father's Day was a couple of Sundays ago. I bought my dad the most perfect card, however I just gave it to him this week because they were out of town for their 40th anniversary Farther's Day weekend. Anyways. My mom was up here shopping with me Monday and she took it to him. I made her read it because it was so perfect. Bascially it was a sappy card about why girls need their father's. One things was to teach them to play ball. Frankily I wasn't a ball player. Yes, my dad played ball with me, but I could have cared less. I wanted to build things and dance. Another thing was teaching how to change the oil in your car and check tire pressure. Yes, dad taught me those things too, but what sticks out in my head is him making sure I knew how to change a flat! One day I ran a curb and blew out two tires. He left work to come help. After that I sat in the driveway practicing taking a tire off and putting one on. Then there was needing your father to walk you down the aisle. I can't wait for this to happen in 121 days!

Other things my dad did for me growing up. He always dried my hair. Whether it was towel drying it or using the blow dryer. I don't remember this, but mom said they used to have a clothes dryer that would come on without the door being closed. He used it to dry my hair once. I would love to have a picture of that. I have vivid memories of my dad taking me hunting with him. He would put me on his shoulders and carry me throught the woods. My dad worked a lot while I was growing up, but he always made time for us. I spent many a Saturday working with him learning to use a hammar, screw driver, and drill. There was always a scrap wood pile under his saw table. I was allowed to use whatever scrap wood and nails I could find to build whatever I wanted. It has always been a dream of mine to build my house with my father and that is another one coming true this year.

Just some thoughts about my father. I love him so much!


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