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Showing posts from June, 2013

A Few Random Pictures

I went outside the other night and Perla was hanging out on the tailgate.  We have some baby birds in the shed. I need to check on them again because I haven't seen the mother in a day or so. I hope she didn't abandon them. I looked up how to feed them in case, but you have to feed them every 20 minutes. I'm not home all day to do that.  Perla Hanging out in Lilly's kennel. One of her favorite places to lay. Weirdo cat.  Lots if wedding related pictures on my phone. I take screen shots of things I've pinned an send them to my mom, pictures of things I see while shopping, and things from the Internet.  And of course the dogs want all of Kev's attention when he gets home.  Lilly being a big baby!

Things My Dad Did For Me

Father's Day was a couple of Sundays ago. I bought my dad the most perfect card, however I just gave it to him this week because they were out of town for their 40th anniversary Farther's Day weekend. Anyways. My mom was up here shopping with me Monday and she took it to him. I made her read it because it was so perfect. Bascially it was a sappy card about why girls need their father's. One things was to teach them to play ball. Frankily I wasn't a ball player. Yes, my dad played ball with me, but I could have cared less. I wanted to build things and dance. Another thing was teaching how to change the oil in your car and check tire pressure. Yes, dad taught me those things too, but what sticks out in my head is him making sure I knew how to change a flat! One day I ran a curb and blew out two tires. He left work to come help. After that I sat in the driveway practicing taking a tire off and putting one on. Then there was needing your father to walk you down the aisle. I


Technology has really changed the way we write and communicate. Rarely do you see handwritten letters, recipes, or lists. Instead, you have Pinterest for recipes. Instant messenger, Face Time, Skype, email, and many other applications that allow you to communicate much faster. You even have applications that allow you to make to do lists. Call me old school, but I prefer to write out my lists. Even in college, both undergrad and graduate, I wrote out every paper before I typed it. When I did my national board certification I wrote out every entry, all 60 plus pages before I typed it. Writing things out helps me express myself and organize my thoughts. When it comes to lists; grocery, to do, whatever, I prefer to write them out and I prefer pencil. That way if I mess up I can erase instead of writing the list over again. Yes, I was the child that rewrote the whole page because I messed up a letter at the bottom. I am glad to be able to type for that reason. Anyways a friend shared thi

Upcoming Races

Registration for the St. Jude Half Marathon opened June 1. I signed up that day. It's sells out quickly. I also booked us a room because they go fast too. I couldn't get anything close without staying two nights and this year we are only staying Friday. There's too much going on this fall, so we didn't need to spend the money on a second night. My running friend texted me today asking me to run the Casa Half Marathon with her in PB. It supports a battered women's shelter down there.  So, now I am signed up for two half marathons on back to back Saturdays!! I just hope to find time to properly train with moving and the wedding. If not, oh well. It won't be the first time.  This is the new shirt I'm getting Kev to wear. Of course it won't be pink. He doesn't actually hold a sign. He holds all the clothes I take off and makes sure he's at various pooling to take pictures. Maybe they can custom make me one for that. I like these

The Ones!!

Aren't they FABULOUS!!!! They are my wedding shoes. I stumbled across them last week while browsing the Internet. They were on sale 40% off and I had to have them. Luckily there was a size six left. I couldn't wait to get them in the mail. I did and they didn't fit! They are the smallest size 6 I have EVER seen!!. I was very disappointed, so I started looking for them on other sites. Well.. they weren't on sale on the other sites and no way was I spending $250 on shoes, even if I was going to wear them again. I found a pair on eBay so I went to the Badgley Mischka website to see a size chart. I definitely didn't want to order the wrong size from eBay. You can't send that shit back! Guess What?!? The Badgely Mischka website had them on sale! I snagged a pair of 6 1/2s, but later decided I should get the 7s just in case. So, now I have both sizes coming this week and I can see which ones fits the best. I'm so freaking pumped about these shoes. They are exa

Recent House Decisions

The cabinet man sent me a picture of a recent job he did with the style and color cabinets I want. I LOVE them! Mine won't have the white sections.                                                Since I was only given 30 minutes notice before meeting the cabinet man, I wasn't fully prepared. I showed him pictures of the outside, but forgot the special drawers and pullouts I wanted. My bathroom drawer. Dad will put a plug inside it so I can leave the curling iron and hair dryer plugged up. No more unplugging something to plug another thing up! The pantry will look something like the picture on the right and I will have a pullout spice rack like the picture on the left. All the other kitchen drawers will be pullout too. I will have two lazy susans in the corners. I also had to make a decision on the exterior colors so we could pick out a roof color. The wood columns will be stained the darkest color on this sample strip. The cement siding will be medium gray.

What I've Been Up To

It's been a crazy two weeks! I finished up the school year last week and started summer school today. To finish out the year I had to move my classroom. I'll be teaching 2nd grade next year. I've experienced many feelings about this change, but I'm okay with it now. I moved into the room of a teacher that was retiring. Well. She wasn't in any hurry to get out and  I was in a big hurry to get my things situated in cabinets and on shelves so that I wouldn't have so much to do in August. Let's face it, between moving my house, bridals showers, and the already heticness of school starting, August is going to be super busy. Anyways. Back to moving my classroom. I got all my stuff (and it's a whole lot) packed into boxes and baskets ready to go Wednesday morning. However the other teacher had not gotten anything out of her cabinets yet. So I asked the literacy coach to help her clean them out. They only part way cleaned them out. My kids helped me tote every

Plumbing Pipes and Cabinets

The plumber came up this week and started putting the pipes in the walls. The picture below is the laundry room.  This pipe goes out the roof. The master bath. The plumber is going to have to move the pipe for the sink on the left over. He thought that was the end of the wall, but it's a pocket door and there is another foot of wall. The guest bathtub. I was finally able to get a picture of the back of the house. The framing crew's trailer has been in the way. It's very similar to the front. eventually there will be a screened porch off the master bedroom (the small doorway). I met with the cabinet man yesterday. He has done cabinet work for my dad for over 20 years and become a family friend. He is going to make me amazing custom cabinets! Every cabinet in the kitchen will have pull out shelves! I will have spice drawers by the stove and deep drawers with compartments for trays and platters. He is making a pull out recycling/ dog food cabinet in the la