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Busy Weekend

This weekend was CRAZY busy! Saturday morning we woke up way too early for the weekend, but decided to be productive since we were up and moving. Neither one of us eats a lot of fast food, but for some reason we both woke up craving Burger King croissants.  After loading two weeks worth of recycling into the car, we headed to Burger King and the recycling place. Kev had a little work to do and I had to go take the wooden form off the foundation. So we went our seperate ways. 
This is what I was taking down.
You have to take all the nails out of the wood and pull the stakes out of the ground and then pull the boards away from the concrete. Sounds easy. Right? Well most of it was, but several places were concreted in. The right side of the house is on the very edge of a slope, so that side had at least three feet or more of concrete. Kev met back up with me to help. We were about half way finished when a man from the neighborhood across the lake drove over to take a picture of his house and wanted to talk. By the time he left, it had started raining and we had places to be. So we left and didn't finish.
Kev got ready to bartend a derby party and I went to PB for a crawfish boil.  

Sunday we were able to sleep a little later had breakfast and went to finish pulling off the form. It is done and ready for the frame to go up. I love knowing that I am putting some sweat into our house.

The next thing on our to do list was the yard here. I mowed and he weed eated. My landlord was over here cutting down an enormous half dead pine tree. The yard looks so nice now, or at least until it rains again and grows a foot. I hope to not have much grass at the new house.

Last on the list was Kev's house. His dad is wanting to move his trailer while there's not anyone living in the house next door, because that is the ONLY way out. So we had to go get his things and move them here. There really wasn't much. Some of it got boxed up and label garage sale. We put that stuff and a few pieces of furniture in his dad's shop and brought the rest of his clothes and personal items here. It's already been hard finding places for the few things he has here. We've made it work and will continue for the next few months. This is what my back room looks like and for someone like me with OCD tendencies for things being perfect and it its place (That's a whole other post) it's hard to look at this.

Some of this is mine. It's stuff I need to get rid of or sale in a garage sale. The trash bags are movies. The boy has four trash bags full of DVDs. I did set is shoe rack up in the sewing/craft hallway. (It's hard to call it a room when it is only five feet wide.) I still have to get his other shoes out from under the bed and add them. Boy it's nice not to have them laying under the desk anymore and having to move them to dust mop.

We celebrated Cinco de Mayo by getting Mexican take out. 
We have a busy week ahead too. I was able to eat dinner with a few friends from college. We are trying to get together more and I LOVE IT! 

Only 21 1/2 more days of school!! Woo Hoo!!


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