We do not have Internet service at the house yet. When I called AT&T to cancel out other service, I asked them if they provided service at the new house. They said no. I have checked around with some other providers and options, but they all have a cap on how my GB you can use each month. I surf the Internet way too much to have a limit. I've always had the 2GB data plan for my phone and connected it to wifi at home. Well Kev had to up it to 3GB and this month I have already gone over and they have added another one for $10. Anyways back to finding an Internet provider. I decided to call AT&T again just to see what they said this time. The man informed me that my address was not valid and had not beed registered with the 911 addressing system. I tried to tell him that I did that months ago. when I got off the phone I called the 911 addressing office and talked to the guy that gave me my address. He explained that I was perfectly valid and that the AT&T man didn't re...