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Showing posts from 2015

Thanksgiving and Gumbo

In this crazy time we are living in (Covid-19 pandemic of 2020), I have found my old blog. I have not post in over 4 years, but found some drafts I'm going to publish. I may or may not remember all the details of the pictures, but I'll do my best. I just want these out there as some documentation of my life in 2016. I plan on using this time at home to start documenting my life again. Boy how things have changed since 2016! So I'll start with this most from November 2015... Eery full moon sky. I guess I skinned my leg somehow. Not sure! (Where is my "I don't know" emoji?) Turkey Trot 10K. That's it! This is where I skinned my knee. I tripped and fell while trail running. I was used to running on the pavement. More Turkey Trot pictures. You bring canned food donations. I have never been able to run with my fiends because I stay in Hot spring the night before Thanksgiving. This particular year I forgot to pack my pants (again w

Food Truck Festival and Crafts

We decided to go to the Main Street Food Truck festival Saturday. It was a beautiful afternoon to spend outside. We tried to get there early, but managed to arrive by 1:00. It was definitely crowded. After walking down Main Street for a little while we decided on a place to eat. The lines were so long you could barely tell where one started and the other one stopped. We ended up waiting in line for 30 minutes. I had to use the bathroom really bad and  stopped at the first bathrooms I saw. They were the fancy air conditioned bathroom trailers. I priced them for out wedding, but they were so expensive. They were charging $1 to use the facilities. They were nice inside. Sunday I decided to get crafty! I weathered the boards Kev and I put together the other night to make a welcome I've seen on Pinterest.  I searched Pinterest for how to make new boards look old and came across this method. You let a steel wool pad soak in vinegar over night. First you steep a few tea bags

Roller Coaster Racing and Riding

Yesterday we drove to Hot Springs to participate in the Roller Coaster 10K and Ride. I ran the 10K that morning and Kev and I both did the ride that afternoon.  The race course wasn't all that wonderful. You had to run the 5K twice...boring! Part of the course ran through the parking lot, which wasn't too bad and flat, except part of it was gravel. Gravel isn't ideal when you are use to running on the road. This was the first year for this race, so hopefully they will take suggestions to improve it next year. I finished the race in an hour and 18 minutes. I'm okay with my time. The course was hilly and had few water breaks. Kev stopped to get a snack on our way to my parents. He insisted I needed M&Ms. After showering at my parents, we stopped in Chick-Fil-A for a quick bite to eat. We had to be back at Magic Spring before 3:00 to get free parking and pick up his ride packet. You had to ride 16, 405 feet of roller coaster to equal a 5K. Here are t

Random Photos

Here are a bunch of random photos from my phone. These are my new boots Kev got me as an early anniversary gift! I absolutely love them! This past week was way too hot for October! This coffee table tray and my console always has a pile of jewelry. Lazy animals the other morning. I didn't got to work, so we all laid in bed longer than usual. I just loved this e-card! This baby showed up at our back door last weekend. We fed him and tried to put him in the pen, but he howled and howled, so we let him out. i posted his picture on a pet lost and found page, but nobody claimed him. He came back to eat a few more nights and we haven't seen him since.

A run, a climb, and grocery shopping

A friend was in town Saturday afternoon an decided to stay the night so we could go on a long run this morning. We have a 10K coming up in October and a half marathon in December. We drove out to two rivers park to run. I love going out there. It is so peaceful and you always see lots of deer. As we were starting mile four, we noticed the sign saying Pinnacle Mountain was about six miles away. That led to the bright idea of climbing Pinnacle Mountain. So after running four plus miles we drove over and climbed the mountain. It was freaking hard!!! But we did and it felt good. The view is gorgeous from the top.  I was in Kroger Saturday morning and noticed the new beer taps they put in. You can now purchase growlers of various local beer while grocery shopping.

National Waffle Day!!

While scrolling through Facebook at lunch I learned that it was National Waffle Day. Rachel Ray shared several yummy recipes that inspired me. I didn't want to go to the store, so I choose to do a BLT Waffle. I went to Pinterest and searched savory waffles and found this recipe for a spinach and cheese waffle. I just made up a batch of Bisquick waffles (I always substitute homemade apple sauce for the oil.) and added the cheese, spinach, and oregano. Bacon is never enough meat for Kev, so I added ham to his. They were delicious!! We decide to have a monthly waffle night and try out some other recipes.

Highlights from the Week

I have helped our literacy department do inventory all week. That has left little time to do much around the house. Thursday I had our little teacher group from school over for brunch and mimosas. We had a great time visiting. We have tried to get everyone together a few times over the summer. Lilly was assuming her usual position on the couch when I noticed three of her bottom front teeth are gone. I have no idea what happened. She didn't seem to be in pain and her gums didn't get infected, so I guess all is well. Sunset Friday night was gorgeous! I can't wait until we build Kev's shop and have a deck on the back overlooking the pasture. It's always a pretty view. My new boots I ordered!!They are back ordered until September, but  I can't wait to get them!! Sunday I did a little freezer cooking. Hamburger meat was on sale, so I took advantage. I also made a batch of homemade cream of mushroom soup. I'm in love with this stuff and it is so eas

Beach Trip

Our trip to the beach was so relaxing! I woke up about 6:00 every morning and took our chairs and umbrella to the beach. If you wanted a good spot close to the water, you had to set up before the rental guys. Once everything was set up, I would get my coffee and have some quiet time on the beach. We always stay at the Hampton Inn and they have a wonderful breakfast buffet that we enjoyed each morning. Kev usually came down about 10:00 to join me. We stopped in the Wave store across the street and he bought a selfie stick. He loves that thing and we took tons of selfies. So warning... this post will have selfie overload. Friday Afternoon Beach Selfie About 3:30 Friday afternoon a storm with lots of lightning came out of no where. The umbrella rental guys frantically picked up umbrellas and chairs. We packed everything up and started taking things inside. We decided to leave the chairs and umbrella since there was no ways I could get them with the bags and ice chest. Kev was t