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Roller Coaster Racing and Riding

Yesterday we drove to Hot Springs to participate in the Roller Coaster 10K and Ride. I ran the 10K that morning and Kev and I both did the ride that afternoon.  The race course wasn't all that wonderful. You had to run the 5K twice...boring! Part of the course ran through the parking lot, which wasn't too bad and flat, except part of it was gravel. Gravel isn't ideal when you are use to running on the road. This was the first year for this race, so hopefully they will take suggestions to improve it next year.
I finished the race in an hour and 18 minutes. I'm okay with my time. The course was hilly and had few water breaks. Kev stopped to get a snack on our way to my parents. He insisted I needed M&Ms.
After showering at my parents, we stopped in Chick-Fil-A for a quick bite to eat. We had to be back at Magic Spring before 3:00 to get free parking and pick up his ride packet. You had to ride 16, 405 feet of roller coaster to equal a 5K. Here are the roller coasters Magic Springs has and the distance. 

The park was open for one hour just for participants and it was so nice not to have to wait in any lines. At he end of each ride they would punch your wristband. We rode the X Coaster twice. It was the first and last one ridden. The first time I only opened my eyes once. the second time I kept them open the whole time, but had a mouth like a sailor. The Big Bad John was more of a kiddie coaster, but it was long so we rode it once. 
The Gauntlet was my favorite and we rode it three times. You are suspended in the air and there are lots of loops. The Arkansas Twister  is the oldest roller coaster in the park. It originally debuted in 1978 as the Roaring Tiger. Magic Springs bought it in 1991. It's not scary, but beats the hell out of you!
We were finished with our 5K ride by 5:30. We decided to go back into town to eat at Colorado Grill before heading home.
Me and my two medals.

This was a lot of un and I think next year we will sign up for the Roller Coaster Race in Six Flags Over Dallas.


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