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Showing posts from September, 2013

Weekend Work

I pretty much worked at the house all weekend. My dad and brother came up early Saturday morning to start the master bath. I now have a hole to put the tub into. Spencer filled the drain in with concrete and prepped the shower for tile. I cleaned up and burned two piles of tras After that dad got me started on staining the doors and trim pieces. All the molding and trim will be stained dark brown. I got all the three pocket doors stained and the guest bedroom bifold closet doors. I still have to stain the door frames and doors for the three bedroom doors and tons of trim and molding. I can go over this week after work and get the rest done. I actually like staining you don't have to be neat like painting. I did take a break from working Saturday night to watch the game with Kev at a friend's house.  We both went to the house today. I finished staining the doors and trim pieces in the pictures above and he stacked firewood. Yes, I know I say we d


They have gotten most of the siding on. We had a hold up. I realized the vinyl shake he was thinking about putting up there was terrible looking and looked really cheap. So we started looking at other options. The fiber cement shakes were about $600 a square and dad said that was way too much. I found some vinyl shake that was made thicker and looked exactly like the fiber cement. Well I guess dad wasn't happy with that price either. He said something about just putting real cedar shakes up there, but I'm not sure what he has decided on. They still have to put the stone one the front porch and on the sides of the garage. He has already put my faux beams in place to separate the siding from the rock along the porch. The back is all siding. The side of the house. The other side.

Doors and More

I got doors last week! I knew the back doors would have four panels, but I didn't know they would do this!!  I thought the middle two would open and the end panels would be stationary. Nope you can fully open up both sides. Dad said you can get roller screens that roll into the door frame and hook to a magnet on the other side when closed. Yes, we will be installing those, because I get an amazing breeze, even in the heat of the summer. The garage door. Not sure why it has a window but oh well. It works. I'm thinking of installing a kitty door on this door and the laundry room door so that Perla can use her litter box in the garage. The front door. It has a wood finish look and will match the columns. Inside doors. They have to be stained and then they will be ready to put on. I'm sure that is how I will spend my Sunday. Staining trim and doors. The frame for the fireplace. The fireplace. Hopefully, I will have pictures of the siding and s

Oh No!

I guess everything can't be perfect. It has come to my attention tonight that several of my guests did not receive their wedding invites! I knew there was a problem with a couple that went to family members. Some were delivered without addresses. I have some family that live in the same house and some that all live right by each other so, guess the mailman just left the unaddressed ones with them since they had one already. I don't know it's just a mess. Anyways... mom informed me today that a few of her friends didn't get one. So I proceeded to send messages to my friends and family asking if they received one. So far over 15 haven't and won't. They are lost somewhere in the mail world. I'm just glad that I'm having a small wedding with close friends and family, because I feel comfortable texting them and letting them know what happened. I would hate to have to contact people I barely knew.  One of my friends tonight said all that matters is in the e

Dirt, Logs, Trash Piles

Saturday we moved dirt and cleaned up around the new house. There was still a little patch of ridge that needed to be cut down. Not sure why we didn't do it in the beginning, I guess dad was trying to save the big tree on top of it. The drive way will go straight up and to Kev's shop instead of curving around. It will give us more room. Anyways... His dad volunteered to move the dirt if we rented the back hoe. I don't have a before picture, but here is the after. Basically before it was almost impossible to walk on this side of the house. Now we can, except at the very front. We still have lots of dirt to add there.  While Kev's dad did that, Kev and I cleaned up and stacked firewood. This is the organized wood pile. Before it was a mound of trash and scrap wood. I sorted through and burned the trash and unusable wood and organized the good pieces. You never know when you might need a small board. I know they still have to build the form for the back porch a

My Strange Animals

School is three weeks in and I have been so busy and tired. The animals have done several things over the last couple of weeks that have been worth documenting but I've been to tired lazy  to do it. So here it goes. I left the shower door slighly open and Perla decided she wanted to take a shower. She likes to sneak out at night when we let the dogs in. Most of the time I think about it and check to see if she is in or out, however the other night I didn't. I must have been sleeping realy hard becaseu I never heard her scream but Kev did and got up to see what was going on. Hatfield ran out the door to secure the yard of whatever was out there. Probably a coon. Anyways, she had climbed to the VERY top of the cedar tree by the porch. This is her making her way down. Lilly being the escape artist she is dug a huge hole under the gate to their pen. Kev filled it with huge rocks and put a very large log on top. Well she managed to dig the rocks out and move teh log. So the