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St Patrick's Day 2015

Tuesday morning we got up and ate another wonderful Irish Breakfast cooked by Brendan, Kathryn's husband and then headed out to the parade. Luckily it started on O'Connell Street near our B&B. It was a little rainy that morning, but cleared off right before the parade started. We arrived about an hour early and found a wonderful spot to stand.

Our view of the street.

There were surprisingly lots of groups from the states. This is a cheer and dance group from Texas.

We watched these ladies sing outside of St. Stephen's Green Monday. They were amazing.
These giant ladies are called Les Poupées Géantes. They slid magically through the streets delivering haunting operatic melodies. 
After the parade, we tried to go on a sightseeing bus, but they were closed due to the streets being closed off. Instead we decided to explore the other side of town. We ate a late lunch at a little pub and had a few Jameson and cokes.

We wanted to go to the Beer and Whiskey Festival, but had a hard time finding the building. We eventually had a cab take us there and it ended up being a few blocks from where we were. There were several local breweries set up giving out free samples. When you found one you liked you could give them a ticket to fill up the glass they gave you.
They had a big whiskey booth set up in the middle with these four whiskeys. I tried them ALL. They were handing out communion cups with samples. Once you found one you liked, you could give them a ticket and they would give you a shot glass full.
 We ate food from the food trucks and listened to the live music.We were a long way from the B&B and debated on getting a cab to take us back, but decided to walk. We were able to see the wealthier side of town. In order to get back we had to walk through the Temple Bar area. Let me just say I am too old for all that! The only thing I can compare it to is Bourbon Street on New Years Eve. People were everywhere and they were pissing and throwing up in corners. Not my idea of fun. We finally made it back to the B&B after walking many, many miles.

Just a few of the building that light up green during the four day celebration.


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