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MORE Snow Days and the Weekend

Winter seriously needs to go AWAY!!!!! We had another round of winter come through late Wednesday afternoon. Little Rock got a total of 5 1/2 inches. I think that two of those inches were ice and the rest snow. This will make eight days we have been out for inclement weather.  I was not as productive this time around as I have been the last two. We watched three movies. Lucy was one of them. It was kind of odd, but I liked it. Kev watched Foxcathcher. I didn't really get into it. We also watched the Skelton Key. 
I messed up our pizza the other day and turned it into Stomboli. I made it on the cutting board since I was letting the pizza stone get hot. I thought it would slide off the cutting board, but it didn't, so I just rolled it up.  It still tasted great!
We've  been cleaning out the fridge and freezer, so our meals have been interesting. I can't believe this time next week we will be in Ireland. We're so FREAKING excited! I have taken advantage of the snow days and started getting outfits together and packing. I still need to go buy a pair of rain boots. The ones I have are more for work ing in the muddy yard. So far the weather while we are in Dublin for the St. Patrick's Day Festival is going to be dry. The rest of the time looks rainy. 


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