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Shopping and Decorating

I've been wanting to purchase a few things for the house and I know what I like, but I'm not always sure of myself when putting patterns together. My aunt, the one who did my wedding, has wanted to come help and we finally set aside some time. She spent all day Saturday with me. We started out by walking around the house so that i could tell her what I was thinking and wanting to do. Some of it we would be able to do that day, but others that I would have to get along the way. Once we aren't putting money back for Ireland I can do more furniture buying. I REFUSE to use credit cards anymore!! I do have one, but it's only to earn points and gets paid off every month. Anyways… back to decorating.

We shopped At Home, Pier One, Hobby Lobby, and Home Goods. We are needing a new picture for above the fireplace. Something with lots of color. A friend is supposed to paint us one, but I have yet to buy her a canvas. I did see this at At Home.
We picked up several picture frames, a couple of things for the shelves, a rug, a bedside table for the guest room, and pillows for the couch.
When we got back to the house we started rearranging furniture. I've wanted my cedar chest out of the guest room since we moved in, but there really wasn't a place for it. My dad built it for me one Christmas so it is special. My aunt suggested I move the liquor cabinet to the dinning area and the chest in the living area.
I had these shelves laying around, along with the bird pictures (came from my grandmother's house), and the mirror (Kev found it in the trash at a job site). I'm going to paint the frames black and touch up the mirror wood. I'm also going to make a cushion for the chest out of this fabric. For right now I've stuck the pillows from the wedding on it.
We moved a few things around on the shelves.
Here are the two new vases I bought from At Home.
We were able to move the antique cabinet in the guest room and add a chair. Right now it's an extra dining room chair, but I will eventually get another one.  I want to hang this mirror in there if I don't use it in dining area.
I found this really cute table. I didn't want then to match, so I am still looking for one for the other side of the bed. I also need to find a lamp and rug.
I'm still in the process of building a headboard out of pallets for this bed. My aunt suggested to build it really tall and hang this picture on top of the headboard. I finally bought the pillow form Pier one that I'd been wanting. I need to get pillows that fill out those shams and the bed will look better.
This is where we moved the "liquor cabinet". I know it's for a computer, but it serves this purpose really well for now. I do want to paint it. We talked about gray, but not sure.
The top of my hutch was broken during the move. I've had it like this ever since. I still need to hang the mirror, but I wan tot wait. I'm still not sure if I want it this way or with the top of the hutch.
As for our bedroom, I got this white shag rug for my side of the bed. i told Kev I would go back and get one for his side, but he's right by the sliding door. I'm sure I won't keep it white if it's there.
I want to get three of our wedding picture put on canvas for this wall and move this picture above the bed.
I replaces my small canvas in the maser bath with this larger one.
The new pillows for the couch came from Pier One too. I really like them. I still need to go get one more big green one.


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