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Island Camping on Lake Ouachita

We spent the weekend camping at Lake Ouachita for my birthday! I absolutely love island camping. It's hard to do often unless you have easy access to a boat. My brother bought my grandmother's boat last year, so now we can borrow it anytime. I'm so ready for an SUV! We need the room. Kev's truck is a work truck and is not wextended cab. When we have the dogs with us, Lilly has to lay in the floorboard and hatfiled is in Kev's face.
We arrived at Brady Mountain about 5:00, however the battery was dead and had to wait on Spence to bring us his other one. This put us getting out there a little later than we wanted, but we managed to quickly set up camp before we lost all daylight.
The sunset on our way to the island.

We quickly realized the geese guarding the island and quacking at the dogs were trying to protect their eggs. This one survived. They cracked open the other one we found. The island had a nice grassy area with thtese beautiful purple flowers.
The view from our tent door.

I love camping. I'd much rather camp this way than at a campsite. It's just so peaceful and you don't have to worry about bothering anybody else or quiet times.
Kev and I napped in out hammocks Saturday afternoon. It's truly the most peaceful nap. I've had the orange hammock for a while. I found the striped one at Walmart and had to get it.

Sunset Saturday night.
The weather got a little scary Saturday night. We knew it was coming, so we took everything that wasn't essential back to the vehicles. The wind was blowing the tent in so we tied it to the tree.The weather did get bad, but luckily it missed us. We were up at 6:00 Sunday morning ready to load up and head out. A little later, a friend called from Little Rock and had been hailed on that morning.


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