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Showing posts from February, 2014

Perla's New Toy

Perla loves her new cat tree. It was definitely a great buy and keeps her from playing and scratching on the furniture.  We put in in the office at first, but she never played on it. Once we moved it into the living room she was fine. I don't mind so much since it is dark brown it goes with everything.

Sunday House Projects

Dad finished painting the garage Saturday. Sunday I stained the attic stairs and grouted the dog shower. The start... The finished product... The grouted unwiped dog shower.... The finished product... Now to just add the trim pieces.

New Furniture

Kev had this amour in his trailer when I met him. It's like 100 plus years old. It needed some work, so his dad refinished it for us! I love it! It's our first antique. He also gave us an old time wash station. We put it in the attic for now since we really don't have the space for it.  Perla's scratching post was wearing out and she was starting to scratch on the couch. I was not having it, so I looked online and a new post was around $30 and I found this condo for $70. Score! She is starting to play on it some and has stopped scratching the couch.   I took the dog kennel out of the shower and just piled pillows and blankets in it for Lilly's bed. She loves it and I just crack the laundry room door. This way Perla can still use her little box and Lilly can't get out. I really want a at door for the laundry room door. my aunt gave me this huge mirror. It's too big for one bathroom and not big enough for the master bathroom, so it will probably

Preparing to Paint

Sunday dad came up to prep the back of the house for painting. That means we taped and covered all windows. This little contraption made the process so easy! It sticks the tape to the paper as you roll it out Genious. Dad also painted the gables tan while he was here. I'm getting excited to see the side and back without all the scaffolding!

Morning Routine

I bought the NAKED2 eyeshadow pallet over Christmas. I absolutely love it! It was worth every penny! I've tried many different combinations and love them all. Now I don't have to wear the same eyeshadows everyday. Before I was using a couple of different pallets from Clinique free samples. In the rent house the bathroom was very small and had two VERY small drawers, so I kept all my makeup in a small three drawer plastic organizer. Now I have this huge drawer with wooden organizers to store all my makeup. It makes putting makeup on each morning easier and faster. Underneath that drawer is the drawer that store hair products, curling irons, a hair dryer, and all my face  cleansing products. There is a plug inside the drawer so that the hair dryer and curling irons can stay plugged in at all times. Love. Lilly comes in every morning and lays on the rug while I get ready. Having everything I need in the morning in easy convent drawers instead of under the si

My Valentine

 I mentioned last V alentine's Day that I'm really not into the holiday and all the commercial stuff that goes along with it. We got each other cards and enjoyed a night in watching new episodes of House of Cards. Kev however, does know the way to my heart and brought home stuff the make Red Velvet Martinis! Yum!   The rim was lined with cream cheese icing! I could eat the whole tub. He used iced cake vodka, cream de cocoa, and a splash of buttermilk and red food coloring. He even topped it with Red Velvet Cake crumbles. What can I say, the man knows what I like and I love him bunches. 

Bye, Bye Nissan

They came to get my car today. It's totaled. It's kind of sad. I've been driving this car for 10 years! It has taken me many places and has over 200,000 miles on it. We have started the hunt for a new one. I will be getting on SUV just not sure which one. I really like the look of the Toyota Highlander, but I've been a Nissan girl for 14 years. I'm driving my grandmother's car for now, so we have some time to look around.

More Snow!!!

Saturday morning we woke up to a beautiful blanket of snow! We have three beautiful views on top of our little hill.  Two are of water. The other is the horse pasture in the valley. Our unfinished back of the house. Hopefully with temps about 40 this weekend we can get in done! The dogs loved the snow! They ran around like little kids. Lilly kept eating it. Pretty sure she was wondering where her water was. We came in to warm up by the fire. Everyone loves to lay with daddy. After a nice nap, we went back out to build a snowman and throw the occasional snowball. We had so much fun playing in the snow, but I'm glad it's over. Come on spring!

Snow Disaster

Friday afternoon, school let out an hour early for inclement weather that was supposedly coming in around 5 or 6. I went to happy hour with my BFF. Afterwards my parents called to say they were on their way up here to visit my uncle in the hospital. I decided to meet them there. One the way it started snowing very lightly. Nothing was accumulating on the roads. We visited my uncle for about and hour. Still snowing very lightly. Snow blowing around on roads, not sticking at all. They wanted to grab a bite to eat, so I called Kev to come meet us. We arrived at Chuy's about 6:30 and waited for a table about 10 minutes. Once we sat down, Kev called to say he wasn't coming. He slid down the hill at the end of our road. He said the roads were getting bad. If I would have been with anyone else besides my parents, I would have left right then, but I knew dad would take care of me. We quickly ate and got ready to leave. Boy, were we surprised when we walked out! It had snowed 2 1/2 inch

Icy Day!

As a teacher I love a good snow day. There's something about waking up and finding out you can go back to bed. So far I think we only have three days to make up, so that's not too bad. I'm sure I will be hating these days come June when I want to be outside enjoying the pool. Anyways,  I have done nothing all day but work my puzzle and watch TV. I did step out on the front and back porch and snap a few pictures of the trees. I also love that I can step out on the porch with just a tank top on and nobody can see. I loath wearing lots of clothes around the house.