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Playing with Fire

Sunday we cleaned up the back side of our land. This included burning lots of trash, scrap wood, limbs, and leaves.  There's been trash pile pile outside the back door that hasn't been burned because it is too close to the metal for the screened porch roof and wood for the dog houses. Personally I got tired of seeing it and decided to move ALL of it. I stacked the wood for the dog houses on a pallet and covered it up. Then I moved all the trash and scrap wood to the burn pile on the edge of the land. Once that was done, I started with limbs that had been cut off the trees. We piled them in the back of Kev's truck and drove them to the pile. What can I say, I got tired of walking back and forth dragging branches and they were too big for the wheelbarrow.
We both like fire, so once we were started we just kept going. Burning limbs led to burning leaves. We don't rake!! That would take forever! Instead we light the leaves on fire and let them burn slowly across the ground. It doesn't cause big flames, just lots of smoke.

That got one of the house across the lake, in the gated community, where you can't burn flustered. He drove over here to check things out twice and turned around at the dead end.
After the leaves in the dog pen were gone, we decide to start on the ones across the road. We own the strip of land across the road to the fence that surrounds the gated community. Well, he wasn't having that. He drove over again. He demanded to know what was going on. He thought there was a forest fire. Once again, very LITTLE flame, LOTS of smoke! He informed us we couldn't burn leaves and that we were going to burn HIS trees. Kev explained to him that yes, we could burn leaves and we had sprayed water on the fence line so HIS precious trees were not going to burn down. We continued to burn until they were gone. Kev drove over there afterwards to try to talk to him. This dude was livid that Kev could get into HIS gate and come to HIS house. Kev let him know that he works for one of the builders that builds in there and has gate codes to several communities.

He was such a jerk! Everything was HIS. HIS gate. HIS trees. HIS lake. UGH!! We've meet five of the nine houses in there. They have all been super nice except him. Hopefully he will stay on HIS side of the lake from now on.


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