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Showing posts from July, 2013

Moving Much Faster

A glimpse at my camera roll. Can you tell how I have been spending my week? I have collected every gray paint sample at Home Depot and Lowe's. I am meeting with my design specialist, aka my aunt, tonight to pick out wall colors and coordinate lighting! The drywall is up and they are taping and muddying today! My aunt at the hardware store has ordered 20 gallons of paint and I'm traveling to PB Friday to show her the color I have picked out. My cabinets are finished. The granite is waiting to be cut. It's coming along much faster these days. 

How I Spent my Weekend

Staining my floors!!  I started prepping the floors for stain Thursday. I scrubbed them and squeegied the water out. Friday morning, I caulked along the outside boards so that the stain and water wouldn't run into the garage or front porch. I decided to do the whole house to help with energy efficiency. I swept the floors one more time to get any dust/dirt. Dad sprayed the stain on. I about freaked out when I saw the orange, but trusted they would turn out like the picture I showed him.  Once the stain set in for a few hours we scrubbed them and washed the residue off. I scrubbed, Richard squeegied, and dad sucked up any extra water. After that we scrubbed them again with clean water to pick up any left over residue. Same process but no squeegie. For the final scrub we used baking soda water to neutralize the acid. Dad got all the water out and we left them to dry for 24 hours.  Floors with stain but no sealer. Saturday I got a call from Dad saying the S

My Animal's Lives

It's been a while since I've shared animal pictures. So here you go... Perla playing in the shower curtain. The dogs ready to go visit Kev at the job site. My landlords put the sprinkler by the fence, so my yard can get water. My well just won't put out enough water pressure for long periods of time. Watering the yard for more that 15 minutes in a no go. This is how they help. It was next to the dog pen the other day, so I had two wet dogs when I got home. Lilly loved playing in the sprinkler. Just hanging out on the gutter trailer watching Kev change his oil.

Insulation Day

Today was insulation day! Dad didn't think it would be until later this week and had to put this insulation board up in the garage. Well he came up late last night and got a couple of sheets up. The rest he measured and cut and tacked them up. I went over there early this morning to finished hammering in the million nails. As you can see you have to put them every few inches and on every stud.  This was towards the end of the day when I went back over there to pay them. One person blows it in while another person sucks it back up. The third person packs it in and smooths it out. It is a very MESSY job! Imagine all those bits and pieces of newspaper flying around everywhere just like little pieces of confetti. The finished product.

National Hot Dog Day

We celebrated National Hot Dog day with chili cheese dogs and fried okra. I was browsing Rachel Ray's website the other day and found tons of hot dog recipes . She had one that was a F rito chili dog . I didn't have fritos, so this is what we had. What's your favorite way to eat a hot dog?

Around Town

With summer school over I have been running errands this week, eating lunch and dinner with friends, and going to Jazzercise. I LOVE Jazzercise. I used to go all the time. I had to take someone to work over on that side of town so I just went afterwards. I stopped going because I hated driving 20 minutes across town and the times weren't convenient anymore. I found these at Bed, Bath, and Beyond when I went to look for towels for my registry. I want one so bad! Mom and I went to several flea markets and antique stores Thursday looking for doors for the wedding. Dad is making me doors to stand behind and walk through. I've been on the lookout for vintage Pyrex and found this bowl for $4.00. We don't have a Home Goods in L.R., so anytime I am in H.S. I like to browse. I love this cabinet. It would be a great bar if it had a shelf or something for glasses. Yesterday I went shopping for fireplaces. I didn't take any pictures of them. 

Wedding Earrings

One of the wedding things mom and I did yesterday was dig through my grandmother's jewelry. I use the term dig because there is so much of it. My family loves costume jewelry. Anyways, I was  looking for earrings to wear with my dress. These are what I found that I liked.  The middle ones are my favorite, but I will have to try them on with my dress to see which ones compliment it the best. I thought it would be really special to wear a pair of her earrings and it would be something old and something borrowed. Of course as soon as Perla saw them she came running. She was so excited that I  brought her more shiny stuff to play with.   Which are your favorite?

Cabinets Galore

I was in H.S. today doing some wedding stuff (cake testing, shopping for serving bowls) with mom and had to take the cabinet man a check. My cabinets are almost finished! And boy are there a lot of them! There were three drying racks with cabinet doors on them. You can see the drawers standing up behind the saw horses.  Here are the actual cabinets. That really big one in the back is the pantry! it's freaking huge! I can't wait to see them in the house.

Bronze Metal Roof

Our roof will be finished tomorrow! This is all the metal sheets stacked up and on the trailer. Measuring and cutting each one.  In the picture on the right my dad is cutting and bending the sharp points.  The other guy is placing a sticky strip along the edge.   My brother constructed a climbing ladder that hooks to the other side of the roof and allows him to climb on the slick metal. I will post a picture of the finished product tomorrow! Next step is to stain the concrete and cover it up.


The electrician finished up yesterday. It took them three days to wire the house not only for existing things but for the future screened porch, pool pump, and Kev's metal building too.  This is the plug that will be in the living room floor.  All of the recepticals.  A list of questions he had after placing the recepticals where they went.  The electrical box. Lots of wires everywhere. 

Heating and Air

June has been a very slow month as far as the house goes. First if all, mom and dad went on a nine day vacation. Second of all, the person dad asked about putting on our metal roof wanted an ungodly amount of money, so he is going to do it himself. It was out off until they got back. I did however get heating and air while they were gone.  The heating and air closet.  Air ducts in the ceiling.  They go across the living room to the other side.  This is where the thermostat will go. However, dad is moving it over to the first hole so it won't get in the way of my picture gallery in the hall. Things like that make me so happy that its my dad building my house and not someone else!

Weekend Get Away

We house sat for my parents this weekend. Which meant we got to lay by the pool and feed the dogs. We slept in Saturday morning and didn't even make it down there until 1:30. Kev forgot his swim trunks, so we had to stop by Old Navy and pick up a pair. We thought about trying to get to the lake, but decided not to since my brother had a boat full already. I spent the afternoon floating on a raft in the pool, while Kev napped inside. We went to an early dinner at Fisherman's Wharf. It was yummy and we got to sit at a table right on the lake. There were lots of ducks and geese wanting food. They had feeding dispensers set up along the rail. There were a couple if babies. They were adorable.  Sunday, we got up, ate breakfast, and packed the ice chest. It was pretty cloudy but it was nice and cool outside. After the 100 degree temperatures last week clouds and cool air felt wonderful. We spent the day on Lake Ouachita. My brother went out with us for a couple of hours,

Wedding Registry Shopping

So Kev was NOT going shopping with me for our wedding registry. I've knew this since before we even got engaged. When we would see a couple in Target with a scanner, I'd make reference to us doing that. He let me know that he would not be that guy following me around the store with a scanner. He doesn't really care what we get. I was told to register for what I wanted. I set both of our registries up online before going into the store. I looked up a list of things to register for and made my list accordingly. I had five sections: kitchen, bath, bedding, cleaning/storage, and decorations ( I really have no idea about these until we get moved into the new house). So, I browsed these items online to see which store had the best product or price. He gave me input on things like bedding and dishes during these Internet surfing sessions. However, you can't tell everything online, so I wanted to browse each store and pick out things like sheets, towels, bath mats. You kno