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Workouts and Decisions

Hello. Hello. Not much has been going on lately or at least nothing blog worthy. Kev and I started P90X and we are finishing up week two. Last week everything was hard! I can tell that I have gotten stronger in just one week, because it is getting easier. I'm still training semi training for my half marathon March 3rd. I have only done two long runs a 6 miler and a 7 1/2 miler. I am hoping to get a 9 or 10 in Sunday. It's freaking exhausting keeping up with my weekly runs and doing and hour of P90X! All I can say is I better see some amazing changes take place. I'm not really looking to lose much weight. Yeah, I would like to drop about five pounds but I want muscles! I'm tired of my arms and other parts being flabby.

I've also been consumed with house decisions. All electric or gas too. What's going to be the most energy efficient? I've been browsing the Internet for answers and suggestions along with polling the teachers at lunch. I have gas heat now and my house is so freaking old the bill is outrageous in the winter and very low in the summer. I wanted the perspective of people that live in new, properly insulated, energy efficient home to let me know their thoughts. My decision is to go with gas and electric. I really wanted a gas cook top anyways. Kev's dad works for the gas company and is willing to rent a machine and lay the piping for me. I just have to call the guy how sold me the land and owns the subdivision across the lake and ask for an easement to use their gas main. Nobody on my street has gas. Which is surprising to me since most are old homes. I guess they are propane users. Anyways Kev's dad said that the person who wanted to purchase the land way before me had made an agreement with the man to run gas, so here's hoping he will let me.

In the last week I have also had to contact Entergy and set up temporary service, fill out a form for the water company to run water from down the road. My neighbor pass me told dad he would help pay for that and go ahead and get it ran to his house too. So that will be nice. All I know is I DO NOT want to dig a well!!

We still don't have any trees cut down (Kev and I have cleared some of the underbrush) and I don't have official house plans, I'm not sure if I will ever get official blue prints. Dad did build their house without ever drawing up house plans.

Some pictures from the last couple of weeks.

I left the drawer cracked open the other night. After calling for her outside for over 20 minutes, I found her curled up here.

This is how I found Kev the other night when I went to bed.

Perla has been hanging out in Lilly's kennel a lot lately. I found them in there together just hanging out.

Lilly loves to hug! She put her front legs around you and holds on.


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