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About Me

I saw this quiz on a blog that I follow. I thought it may be fun to document my answers. Sort of like a time capsule. I changed a few of the categories.

TEN of my favorite foods 
1- My Mom's Chicken and Dumplings
2- Cheese Dip (from just about anywhere)
5- Pancakes
6- Sushi
7- Enchiladas (that I make)
8- Meatloaf (This is a new found love. I have found a Weight Watchers recipe that I love.)
9- Pizza (any kind will do)
10- Peanut Butter and Jelly Sandwiches (especially with my homemade jelly)

NINE of my all-time favorite movies
Let me preface this with I'm the worst movie watcher in the world. Half the time I don't even remember what it was about or who was in it. That being said these are ones I have watched over and over throughout my life.1- How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days
2- The Wedding Planner
3- Shawshank Redemption
4- Pretty Woman
5- Remember the Titans
6- Guess Who
7- Save the Last Dance
8- 10 Things I Hate About You
9- Can't Buy Me Love

EIGHT places I'd like to visit someday:.
It was hard to only list eight. I want to visit and see so many places.
1- Alaska
2- Ireland (We're going Spring 2014)
3- Costa Rica
4- The Grand Canyon
5- Key West
6- Hatteras Island (My parents found this beach on a road trip several years ago.)
7- New Zealand
8- Asia (Not really sure where. My college roommate lives in Malaysia)

SEVEN places I have been:
1- France
2- Italy
3- The Virgin Islands (a sailboat for 5 days)
4- Mexico (a place in the Yucatan Peninsula and Cozumel)
5- New York City on New Year's Eve
6- The Netherlands
7- London

Six things I'm loving right now:
1- P90X (I have a love/hate relationship with it)
2- Chocolate Martinis (I make Kev make them about once a week)
3- My life (not including work)
4- Happy HOur and On the Border Margaritas (Our Happy Hour spot)
5- Picking out everything for our new house.
6- My new running shoes and running tanks.

FIVE games I played as a child:
1- Candyland
2- Sorry
3- Monopoly
4- Uno
5- Old Maid

FOUR things I'd rather never see again:

1- Visiting side of the jail (very long story)
2- Big snakes hanging out in my yard.
3- Psoriasis on my legs.
4- A thunderstorm while camping on an island in the middle of Lake Ouachita. We named the island Monsoon Island after that trip.)

THREE things I'm going to do this year:
1- Find a Literacy Coaching job!
2- Build our house.
3- Get married. 

TWO facts about me

1- I have six screws and two rods holding my back together. (I found out in 2007 that the last three vertebrate in my back were broken. The nerves were completely pinched off.)
2- I LOVE sweets! Especially cookies and cakes. I have absolutely NO willpower if they are around.

ONE meaning behind my blog name
1-Before Kev It was just Hatfield, Perla, and me. Then he came along and we got Lilly. Once we are married I will probably change it. 


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