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The Day of Love

So... I'm not a Valentine's Day kinda girl. Don't get me wrong, I want to spend time with my love on that day but I can do without flowers (roses especially) and dinner. I'd rather Kev get me flowers just because and he does quiet often. I don't understand why every other holiday stores put merchandise on sale, but on Valentines Day they jack up the prices of flowers. The same roses you could have gotten last week for $50 are now $150. That's just ridiculous. As far a going out for dinner, I used to wait tables in college and I absolutely HATED Valentines Day. You have everyone who NEVERS goes out to eat in a restaurant. You have to wait hours to eat at a place that usually doesn't have a wait time at all or a very little one.

All that being said we had a VERY low key Valentine's Day. After school I came straight home and started on his Valentines Day cake. A Red Velvet Poke Cake. Then I rushed across town to get my hair cut. When Kev got home from work, we did our hour of P90X. Yes, we sweated together on Valentines Day! I threw together a salad and a Bertolli pasta dinner along with garlic bread. We cuddled on the couch and watched our Thursday night shows. We exchanged very sweet cards and that was our night. I wouldn't have asked for anything more! We show each other we love each other every day, We do sweet things for each other just because. We don't have to have a day set aside for that. And that is how I like it!


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