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Showing posts from February, 2013

And It Happened...

My stomach, arms, neck and face are covered in Poison Ivy! Monday night I noticed a couple of spots on my arms and they were itching like crazy. I did everything in my will power not to scratch them. Tuesday morning I lathered on the steroid cream and went to work. As the day went on, it spread to my face. I mean right by my nose and in the corner of my eye. I have a few bumps on my forehead and down my neck too. By the end of the night, my stomach was covered and itching like crazy too. So. I decided to take off today and get a steroid shot. I am hoping that it will act quickly and clear this shit up! As of right now, I am NOT looking forward to running 13.1 miles Sunday morning with Poison Ivy. In case you don't know or have never experienced it, Poison Ivy and sweat do not go together! It got on my gloves and arms from picking up logs and brush. The other places are where I touched a lot. My stomach, pulling up my pants. My nose, wiping snot.

The Trees are Down!

Dad and I started about 10:30 this morning moving around underbrush and trees. Kev joined once he finished working. The driveway will come up where the tractor is standing.  Pushing the underbrush and small limbs into one of the monstrous burn piles. The house will sit right about here on the top of the ridge. Monstrous burn pile #1. I told Kev we needed to wait for another chilly night and take the camping chairs over there and have a few drinks around the bonfire. Yes, I have a little bit of country girl in me. Firewood! A pile of Hickory for a friend.  All I can say is that I am EXHAUSTED! Basically dad cut up the trees and I loaded them into the back of the truck, drove them to the firewood pile, and unloaded them. Anytime that I was left waiting was used to drag limbs and brush to the burn pile. I have a feeling I will be sore tomorrow. I made it out with only two bruises and I'm really hoping I don't get Poison Ivy. There were vines growin

About Me

I saw this quiz on a blog that I follow. I thought it may be fun to document my answers. Sort of like a time capsule. I changed a few of the categories. TEN  of my favorite foods  1- My Mom's Chicken and Dumplings 2- Cheese Dip (from just about anywhere) 3- Jelly Belly Jelly Beans 4- Big Orange Burgers 5- Pancakes 6- Sushi 7-  Enchiladas  (that I make) 8- Meatloaf (This is a new found love. I have found a Weight Watchers recipe that I love.) 9- Pizza (any kind will do) 10- Peanut Butter and Jelly Sandwiches (especially with my homemade jelly) NINE  of my all-time favorite movies Let me preface this with I'm the worst movie watcher in the world. Half the time I don't even remember what it was about or who was in it. That being said these are ones I have watched over and over throughout my life. 1- How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days 2- The Wedding Planner 3- Shawshank Redemption 4- Pretty Woman 5- Remember the Titans 6- Guess Who 7- Save the

Medals and Pictures

I've been looking at race medal displays on Etsy. I really don't want to buy one when I can my dad can make me one. Here are a few that I have found that I like.  I like this one because it has a place to put pictures.  I plan on hanging them in the office/craft room in our new house. Right now all of my medals and race bibs are crammed in a drawer. If you're looking for something to display your race medals check out Esty. I  bought  spent a small fortune (three picture downloads for $60) on my race pictures from the St. Jude Half Marathon. Here they are.  The one on the left was taken about mile 6. Still looking good. The one on the right about mile 10. I was freaking hurting!  Finally! The finish line!

Life Before Pinterest

I pulled out my handy notebook the other day to find a recipe. I thought I'd take out the ones I love, look them up on the Internet, and pin them. Many many years ago I started a notebook to keep all the handy recipes, workouts, makeup and hair tips, and decorating/DIY ideas that came in all my magazines. I spent hours cutting or tearing them out and organizing them with dividers. So now as I come across the recipes I really like, I look them up and Pin them. I know I should really recycle this notebook but I just can't bring myself to do it. Sometimes I have mild hoarder tendencies. I wonder if anyone else out there was OCD enough to keep and organize helpful information from their magazines.

No Loud Music!

Kev and I were just talking last week about parents that pull up to school to drop their child/children off and the music is shaking the windows. Friday I attended a professional development meeting at another school in the district. When I drove up I saw this sign. I thought it was quiet funny. We need one of these at my school along with all our other signs that tell these wonderful people how to drive and where to park. Yes. Parking in the middle of the street is not the smartest thing to do or in the middle of the drive where NO ONE can get through.

Phone Dump - Puppy Love

The Day of Love

So... I'm not a Valentine's Day kinda girl. Don't get me wrong, I want to spend time with my love on that day but I can do without flowers (roses especially) and dinner. I'd rather Kev get me flowers just because and he does quiet often. I don't understand why every other holiday stores put merchandise on sale, but on Valentines Day they jack up the prices of flowers. The same roses you could have gotten last week for $50 are now $150. That's just ridiculous. As far a going out for dinner, I used to wait tables in college and I absolutely HATED Valentines Day. You have everyone who NEVERS goes out to eat in a restaurant. You have to wait hours to eat at a place that usually doesn't have a wait time at all or a very little one. All that being said we had a VERY low key Valentine's Day. After school I came straight home and started on his Valentines Day cake. A  Red Velvet Poke Cake . Then I rushed across town to get my hair cut. When Kev got home from w

Workouts and Decisions

Hello. Hello. Not much has been going on lately or at least nothing blog worthy. Kev and I started P90X and we are finishing up week two. Last week everything was hard! I can tell that I have gotten stronger in just one week, because it is getting easier. I'm still training semi training for my half marathon March 3rd. I have only done two long runs a 6 miler and a 7 1/2 miler. I am hoping to get a 9 or 10 in Sunday. It's freaking exhausting keeping up with my weekly runs and doing and hour of P90X! All I can say is I better see some amazing changes take place. I'm not really looking to lose much weight. Yeah, I would like to drop about five pounds but I want muscles! I'm tired of my arms and other parts being flabby. I've also been consumed with house decisions. All electric or gas too. What's going to be the most energy efficient? I've been browsing the Internet for answers and suggestions along with polling the teachers at lunch. I have gas heat now an