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Flowers and Holes

I've had two things I wanted to share since last weekend, however, I've had no motivation to write them. So. Here it goes...

Sunday morning I was mopping the kitchen floor when I noticed that the air vent (mine are in the floor) was looking kind of nasty. I decided to take it out and soak in hot soapy water. Well... I went on cleaning and cooking, totally forgetting about the vent. I walked over to the coffee pot and BAM! I stepped right into the vent hole. I'm lucky I didn't twist or hurt my ankle/foot badly. I did get a few nice scratches and a bruise on my leg along with a cut on the bottom of my foot.  Just call me grace.

It hurt to walk for a about three days until the cut on the bottom of my foot healed. So.I got behind on my running. I rained all day Saturday and well, i just told you about Sunday morning. I'm looking forward to tomorrow morning. Hopefully the rain will go away.

Backtracking to Saturday. I needed to go to Hobby Lobby to get some supplies for my aunt's birthday party. We're throwing her a surprise 60th this weekend. Anyways, I noticed the fall flowers were on sale 40% off and I'd been wanting to get some for the pots by the front door. I always use fake ones in them because anything else would die from lack of sunlight. I found these deep red mum like flowers and bought them.

Once I was home, I cut them apart and put them in the pots. As I was taking the last pot back outside, (I had to do it inside since it was raining) I had a weird deja vu moment. I remembered doing the same thing last year. Yep! I climbed into he attic and found a Hobby Lobby bag full of red and orange mums. I just added them to the others and they look great! I remember thinking I needed more to really make them full last year. Needless to say I WILL NOT be buying fall flowers next year!

Before the addition of last year's flowers.

Last year's flowers.

Add I never took a picture of the finished product so use your imagination.


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