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This precious dog came up to Cody's house one day and wouldn't leave. We posted her pictures on the lost and found pages on Facebook and had no luck in finding her owner. He finally brought her to my house. We waited a few more days with no luck. I named her Lady and she would just hang out on the back patio all day. I finally had to make the decision to take her to the Little Rock Animal Village. I may have told them I lived in the city limits so they would take her and she wouldn't go to the county animal control. Little Rock Animal Village has a great reputation for not euthanizing animals. They find adopters or put them on transport north. I cried all the way home. A week or so went by and I saw a video on FB of them putting dogs on a transport to Wisconsin. I saw her getting on. I was happy she was finally going to have a forever home, but I still wanted to check on her. Guess who called the Madison County Animal Shelter! Yep! Me! I gave them a rundown of

Beauty School Dropout

We danced to Beauty School Dropout. Such a fun dance. We all wore our hair crazy. I've not taken in a few years and really miss it.      

Escape Artist

My sweet Lou was an escape artist. I got a message one day from a neighbor saying a yellow dog was trying to get into my chicken coop. I rushed home from work to find Lilly running around the year. I walked around the fence looking for places she may have dug out (that's what she always did at the rent house), but couldn't find any. I turned the cameras on a watched the recorded footage. She somehow managed to spread the fencing apart, heave herself up there, and slide thougg the whole she made. This picture shows her sliding her body through the fence.   This is a close up of the hole she created.   Worn out!  

Snake in the Coop

Let me begin by saying I hate snakes, like deathly afraid of them, like I don't even like looking at pictures of them. So I freaked out when I opened the coop one morning to get the eggs and this snake greeted me with an egg in it's mouth. Yes I know it's not a poisonous snake and I probably should have tried to relocate it, but I was scared and it was eating my chicken eggs. I was wondering why they all of a sudden weren't really laying eggs anymore. This is why. They were getting eaten before I could collect them.     I purchased this day bed frame from Wayfair for the office. I managed to get it put together.  

Graduation and some cuteness

My sweet god-sister graduated High School! And because she is so cute....  

Chicken Lady

I finally got chickens!! A friend gave them to me because she moved into the city limits and could not take them with her. I volunteered to take them since I've been wanting some.    This is the picture she sent of the coop. I told her I needed the coop too because I have way too many projects going to add building a coop to the list. I will need to level it and add to the run, but it's a good start. Mom and dad came up to help me move it. He had to take the egg box off along with the doors and walls of the hen house. Once most of the weight was off we used the dolly to roll it out of the gate.  My first egg! She couldn't even wait until the coop was put back together.       They have plenty of room to roam and bugs to eat.  I'm excited to see what the chicken life is all about.  

Garden 2017

Planting the garden. Making sure my rows are straight with a little help from Indy Lee. I looks like this is the year I added the second 12x12 bed, not last year. Oops. It's hard to remember all the details of the last four years. One reason I am trying to go back and put words to all of these pictures.      Cody brought the tiller over so I didn't have to do it by hand,  

Bentonville Half

Heather and I drove to Bentonville to run the Half-Marathon. We had a great run and perfect weather. We said we would run this one again and we haven't. I had a hip issue a shortly after this and haven't gotten back to distance running. I want to at times.