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Showing posts from 2016

Out of the Ashes

These are some quotes that really spoke to me on Pinterest. I obviously didn't crop them and can't now, I could but it would be a process and I'm not willing to do that right now. I just want to get all of these drafts published. I was going through some of Kev's old papers and found some drawings he made. I found this. I guess he never finished it but it was supposed to be a Phoenix. I finished it with this quote, the date of his death, and his initials. My plan was to get it tattooed on my side. I never went though with that plan and I probably won't. I think I may clean it up a bit and blow it up and frame it. It is still special to me, but I just don't see myself getting another tattoo. 

Indy Lee

Introducing Indy Lee (the Lee came later in her life. It was Kev's middle name. I didn't want her. We already had two dogs and a cat. That was enough for me, but this man right here wanted a puppy. Our neighbor's dog had them and he talked me into going down there to see them one night. I may have already written about this. (Insert "I don't know" emoji). Anyways... we got one of them and let me just say four years later, she is the most ridiculously spoiled animals ever! Action shot with that tongue. She can twist and turn her body all sorts of ways and sleep. Those ears! Water bottle fun! Drinking out to he rain chains.

Growing Garden

Looks like I spent this day building those tomato cages. Indy helping by chewing on all of the bamboo stalks. Sh his so rotten, but the sweetest puppy in the world. Here it is! The finished product. Just FYI... I never did this again. It took way too long and they were pretty much all rotted by the end of the summer. Too much work to do every year, bu they are pretty. Cucumber flowers Peppers Tomatos Baby Cucumbers Green beans (They were a purple variety)

Building Tomato Cages

I found a really neat way to make your own tomato cage on Pinterest. It required lots of bamboo. My friend Cody's aunt has a forest of bamboo in their years. So we went to cut some. There were stalks as big round as small trees. This was all the bamboo we cut. Next step... taking off all the branches. Be looking for pictures in future posts. Just some neighbor bulls.  And a friendly donkey!

The Weekend

Looks like my animals spent some time at my parent's house. Playing in the pool. This pool collects all the backwash from the  big pool. Looks like Indy got into something. She survived! Fun night out with the girls. I can't remember the occasion or celebration. Maybe just to be together.

A Garage, Some Wires, and a Bunny

I guess I decided it was time to tackle this garage and all of Kev's materials. I still had his tool box to clean out and all his tools. Before During After Still lots of gutter material and junk, but at least it's organized and easy to find. This is what the cords under the TV looked like! Talk about make you crazy. I pout Cody to work get them organized and bond together. I guess I didn't upload the after picture. Indy found a foot to some bird. Too large for chicken, maybe a turkey. I remember rescuing this baby rabbit. I think I found it in the garage. I saved it from the dogs.

Eli Young Band

Eli Young band was one of the the first concerts Kev and I went to. They were playing at Rev room one night and I really wanted to go. These sweet friends agreed to go with me. (Not pictured Daniel) I would not have made it with the love and support of my friends. They really are the best! I started tearing up when our young came on and Heather reached over and held my hand until it was over. I'm tearing typing this right now.

Summer Gardening

The gardens are planted and new irrigation is laid! I added a new bed this year. I now have 2 12x12 beds.

The Day My Life Changed Forever - March 6, 2016

The day I ran 13.1 miles with a PR was the same day my world fell apart and changed forever.... My leg was hurting but I pushed through. This was one of the last pictures Kev took of me.