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Projects and Summer Canning

I've felt a little nauseous lately. Saturday night we went to see Jurassic World in 3D and the motion made me a little woosie. Then this morning, I went into summer school, ate my usual breakfast of strawberries and cottage cheese and suddenly felt sick and threw it back up. I walked around to visit some rooms, the whole time feeling yucky. I was sent home to rest. Around noon I felt a little better and was able to keep down a few Triscits.  I got up and started making salsa while I watched City of Ember and Grace is Gone.
I wanted a little more flavor and spice this year, so I found a different recipe.  Here is last years recipe. Once again i didn't follow the recipe to a tee. I added Jalapeno peppers and real garlic. I like how it used purple, white, and sweet onions. I also used brown sugar and a little tomato paste.

I had eight pounds of tomatoes left after making one batch of salsa and wanted to try something different. I found a recipe for BBQ sauce.  I used this recipe from the Ball website. It was not spicy enough. I added Chipotle Chili powder and lots of Paprika. It didn't really thicken up like I wanted, but the flavor is great!

While to Salsa and BBQ sauce were cooking down, I painted our liquor cabinet red. I've been wanting to do this for awhile, but just haven't been very motivated.
This is the same red that matches the couch and hutch. I love it! It really gave that wall of brown woods a pop of color.
 I have got to get the trees to the mill this winter  so I can start making my table. My cousin welds and can make me legs. I think it will really change the look of this whole area. I love my dining table now and I have had it for over 10 years, but it's just not the look I am going for anymore.
It will be similar to this. I want my legs a little more modern and my table top will be about three inches thick. I will find some cute fabric chairs to go around it. 

That's my busy day. I'm trying to accomplish at least one project a day this summer. Tomorrows project needs to be putting away laundry!!


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