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Showing posts from June, 2015

Projects and Summer Canning

I've felt a little nauseous lately. Saturday night we went to see Jurassic World in 3D and the motion made me a little woosie. Then this morning, I went into summer school, ate my usual breakfast of strawberries and cottage cheese and suddenly felt sick and threw it back up. I walked around to visit some rooms, the whole time feeling yucky. I was sent home to rest. Around noon I felt a little better and was able to keep down a few Triscits.  I got up and started making salsa while I watched City of Ember and Grace is Gone. I wanted a little more flavor and spice this year, so I found a different recipe.   Here is last years recipe. Once again i didn't follow the recipe to a tee. I added Jalapeno peppers and real garlic. I like how it used purple, white, and sweet onions. I also used brown sugar and a little tomato paste. I had eight pounds of tomatoes left after making one batch of salsa and wanted to try something different. I found a recipe for BBQ sauce.   I used this

Baby Birds

Perla and I watched this little mama bird build a nest one Saturday morning. I went out a few days later and there were two tiny eggs. I checked it a few days later and there were two more. I have been very careful not to disturb them because I didn't want her to leave them. Anytime I am out there she pokes her head out to see what's going on. This week I checked the nest  and there were baby birds! I've been sitting outside at night watching her feed them. I can't wait to see them get bigger and learn to fly.