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Showing posts from December, 2013

Sporatic Blogging

We do not have Internet service at the house yet. When I called AT&T to cancel out other service, I asked them if they provided service at the new house. They said no. I have checked around with some other providers and options, but they all have a cap on how my GB you can use each month. I surf the Internet way too much to have a limit. I've always had the 2GB data plan for my phone and connected it to wifi at home. Well Kev had to up it to 3GB and this month I have already gone over and they have added another one for $10. Anyways back to finding an Internet provider. I decided to call AT&T again just to see what they said this time. The man informed me that my address was not valid and had not beed registered with the 911 addressing system. I tried to tell him that I did that months ago. when I got off the phone I called the 911 addressing office and talked to the guy that gave me my address. He explained that I was perfectly valid and that the AT&T man didn't re


My rent house has two huge cedar trees that I always cut branches from for Christmas decor. This year I was really missing my garland and greenery, so my wonderful husband saw someone the woods by work and sawed me off several huge branches. I cut some pine from the yard to add to it. My mantle looks so much more Christmassy now.  I have also been searching for the perfect first Christmas ornament and haven't found one. So I made one.

Winter Weather Cancels Marathon

This weekend was supposed to be the St. Jude Marathon in Memphis. I signed up back in June and reserved my hotel. However, mother nature had other plans. We had a round of bad winter weather that left roads iced over for several days, so they ended up canceling the race. I checked and luckily my hotel will refund me my money, while others are not. Now, I was going to complete this race, but had I trained for it? No. I've been way too busy the past few months to take hours out of my dad and weekend to run. I had a house to finish and move into and a wedding to plan and attend. Anyways. I'm thinking about running the Nashville one in April. We will see. On another note the winter weather had us trapped on our hill for four days, before the temperatures reached 32 and the ice could melt some. Kev and I definitely enjoyed spending some quality time together and had a blast sledding.