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Favorite Christmas Presents

So my brother asked what I wanted for Christmas. A few weeks before I'd seen these owl Tervis tumblers in Bed, Bath, and Beyond. I love Tervis tumblers! I use the big one everyday for coffee. It also gets usesdfor cocktails by the pool, tailgating, and camping.

I opened the gift to find a layer of duct tape. 

Now this is because I love to peek at my presents and my brother knows this. He usually stops me. Once I'd cut threw the layer of duct tape, there was another layer of gift wrap. After all the unwrapping, I find a box stuffed with pillow inside and these. I cracked up. He had drawn owls on Red Solo cups.
He then handed me another box. It contained these! I can't believe he got me four. He said he couldn't decide. I love the tall ones and Kev loves the short ones so it works out perfect as long as he doesn't mind drinking out of owl cups.
I love my brother and he gave a great gift.

My mother added all these to my shoe ornament collection! I hung them on the tree as soon as I got home. Kev commented that I should be taking ornaments off the tree not putting them on.
Anyways. We had a great Christmas. Been without power for 24 hours but that's another post.


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