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Showing posts from December, 2012

Let There Be Light!

Power was restored yesterday late afternoon. We decided to wait til this morning to lug everything back. It's New Year's Eve and I am sick with 100.7 fever! Ugh! This has been a hell of a Christmas break. Just left the drug store and stocked up on Kleenex, the kind with lots of lotion, and cold medicine. May be ringing in the New Year at home this year. Here's to 2013!

Day Five in the Dark

Day five in the dark! 111 hours. I really hope they get it on soon. I'm so glad I have a warm place to stay that my animals can stay too, but I want to be at my house. The dogs want to be able to run and not be confined to a small space on a tie out. I don't want to spend my Christmas break like this!!!! I did this puzzle last night. Even though Kev has power he doesn't get cable or Internet service. You may get two bars on your phone if you stand close enough to the right window. So we are having an Entourage marathon.

Power Outage

Christmas Day we had lots of ice topped off with snow. Our power went out about 4:00 that afternoon. Luckily, I had already made a huge pot of chili. About two hours later, it came back on just long enough for us to eat dinner and shower (since I have a well, I don't get water when there's not electricity). By 10:00 it was out again and that's the last time we had power. I have a fireplace so keeping warm wasn't a problem. Kev split some wood and we were good to go. I pulled the camping cookware down from the attic. I cooked sausage, eggs, and toast for breakfast.  Warmed chili up for lunch. And made grilled chicken and cheese sandwiches for dinner.  I even pulled some cookie dough from the freezer and grilled cookie dough. We had to flip them like pancakes to cook them thoroughly, but they we delicious.  After sleeping on the mattress in front if the fireplace and still no power, we got the ok from his dad to bring all the animals out to his land.

Favorite Christmas Presents

So my brother asked what I wanted for Christmas. A few weeks before I'd seen these owl Tervis tumblers in Bed, Bath, and Beyond. I love Tervis tumblers! I use the big one everyday for coffee. It also gets usesdfor cocktails by the pool, tailgating, and camping. I opened the gift to find a layer of duct tape.  Now this is because I love to peek at my presents and my brother knows this. He usually stops me. Once I'd cut threw the layer of duct tape, there was another layer of gift wrap. After all the unwrapping, I find a box stuffed with pillow inside and these. I cracked up. He had drawn owls on Red Solo cups. He then handed me another box. It contained these! I can't believe he got me four. He said he couldn't decide. I love the tall ones and Kev loves the short ones so it works out perfect as long as he doesn't mind drinking out of owl cups. I love my brother and he gave a great gift. My mother added all these to my shoe ornament collection

City Water

Another thing I can't wait to have is city water! There's city water where I live now, but my landlord never paid to have the rent house put on it. Don't get me wrong, well water doesn't totally suck. I've lived with it eight years. It's the water pressure! I'm sure some of it is just the well pump being older and them not wanting to spend the money to replace it. I can't complain my rent is dirt cheap. There are car payments more than my rent. I can't wait to be able to run the dishwasher and the washing machine at the same time, or flush the toilet and immediately get in the shower. As it is now only one water source can be used at a time. Just another thing that I can't wait to have.

I'm Not Going!

Hatfield is so strange. I know I've said this before, but he is. Sometimes he will NOT go outside in the morning before I leave for work. I try everything! Food doesn't even work. I feel bad leaving him because it will be at least eight hours before I get back home and its already been all night since he's been outside. Anyways, today was one of those mornings. In fact he's not gone out any morning this week. Here he is this morning laying on the couch. When I asked "wanna go outside?" He just rolled over. Such a weirdo!!

Animals in Control

My animals think they own the place! Kev and I are sitting on the couch watching TV, when all of a sudden Hatfield jumps in between us. Lilly wasn't having that. She leaped up here too. Needless to say, the new house will have a bigger couch that can hold all of us

Can't Wait to Finally Have a Garage!

This morning it was 28 degrees outside! I warmed my car up for 20 minutes and all the frost still wasn't off the windows. I can't wait til next winter when I will have a garage to park in. Not only for winter months but all months truly. In the fall I always get acorns and leaves stuck in my window. In the summer my car is always covered in bird poop and hot and in spring it's covered in pollen. Just one of the reasons I'm so excited about building a house. Having garage to park in!

Worst Day Ever

So today was the worst day ever at work!! I won't go into details but it started out first thing this morning, and this afternoon I received an email that took my bad day and made it worse. I called Kev and told him I was going to happy hour with a friend. I got home about 5:45 and he was cooking dinner and there was a vase of flowers on the counter. He really is the best and I love him bunches! He knows just how to turn my terrible days around.

A Sunday Swim

Sunday afternoon we decided to take a drive. When it was time for the dogs to get in their pen, Hatfield refused. He just stood at the car door. He wanted to go to. So we loaded them up and headed out. Our drive took us to a small lake about 20 minutes always. I didn't even know it existed. Anyways, we let the dogs swim. They loved it! Watch Lilly leap like a dolphin. Hilarious! Or at least it is to us.

St. Jude Half Marathon

Well I did it! 2 hours 40 minutes. Not as fast as my other one but I'll take it since I've been sick and it got hot today. Kev is the best! He always comes and hangs out til I finish. Now to relax and Beale Street tonight. I bought Kev this shirt to wear. Lots of people commented on it and liked it. It sat "I don't do half marathons but I do a half marathon runner". I thought it was cute and funny.