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Showing posts from September, 2012

My Little Follower

Lilly follows me around EVERYWHERE! Whenever I leave the room she usually follows. If I use the bathroom, she is right under my feet. She lays on the bathroom rug while I shower. She lays on the kitchen floor when I'm cooking or cleaning up. The laundry room floor while I'm folding clothes and wants to be on the couch if I am sitting on it.  I've wondered why she does this, until the other day. I realized I trained her to do this! When she was eight weeks old, I made her come in whatever room I was in. I even put a large pillow on the bathroom floor and shut her in the bathroom with me when I was getting ready. The reason? I was scared she would chew something up. Which she has done. But I also didn't want Hatfield to snap at her when I wasn't watching. He can be cantankerous at times. So... now I have a dog that thinks she must follow me around where ever I go!

The Small Things...

I received this text from my mom this morning. Dad and I just went to eat breakfast and then went to office depot. When we got in the van your papaw handed me a bag and said give this to Shay. He just smile and said "I know she's like her Mamaw, she likes shoes." I can't wait to take it to school!



Kev usually rolls in between 11:00 and midnight on Fridays. This week he kept saying that he was going to try to leave OKC early so when I left work I called to see how far he had gotten. He still had a few hours, so I went to happy hour. About an hour and a half later, he sends me a picture of the road and a few minutes later of Lilly. I'm so happy I can spend Friday night with him too. Takeout and movie it is.


Nothing much to say today. So I give you a picture to prove the love of these two animals.


I decided it was time to change out the shoes. Because I live in a very old house and have the smallest closets ever, I have to rotate spring and summer shoes and clothes with my fall and winter ones (they go in the back closet). Yes, I fill ALL three closets in this house. I have managed to make room for just a FEW of Kev's clothes. Anyways... I decided it was time to put up the strappy sandals and get out the close toed heels and wedges. I always lay all of them out like this and see if there are any I would like to give away. I chose two pairs this times, but I replaced them with new ones yesterday! DSW is my favorite store!!  The new ones I bought yesterday. I always wonder is this an obsession or do all women do this.

The Training Begins...

Way back in May, I signed up for the St. Jude half marathon in Memphis. I've recently signed up for the Little Rock half marathon, so the training MUST begin. I'm terrible at training! I've hardly (almost never) ran ALL summer. It's just too effing hot! I was going to start the last week of August, but the highs were in the 100s all week with very high humidity. Screw that! I said I would start this week and then my allergies decided to act up. I can barely breath or I'm blowing my nose constantly. However, I talked myself into it tonight though. The weather is perfect! All week the highs are in the 80s and lows in the 60s. Anyways, I only went 2.8 miles but I figure that is better than nothing. Right?  I wish I could run on the treadmill. Training would be so much easier because I wouldn't depend on the weather. Cold doesn't bother me but in the heat I can't breathe. Back to treadmills... For some reason after my back surgery, anytime I run on a tread

The present

After writing the post about life being hard, I wanted to add that the sun does shine after the storms. I'm so blessed to have Kev in my life. Our meeting was so unexpected. I was even seeing someone when we met. I was out with B and M one night and Kev met up with us (he is a friend of B's) we all went back to their house to visit around the fire pit. Eventually they went to bed and the next think I knew it was 6:00 in the morning. Kev and I had been chatting and laughing all night. I was wanting to spend more and more time with him. I broke it off with the other guy and we started dating. Can I tell you how lucky I am? He is so good an me and puts up with my quirks. And he adores my animals!! Which is very important. They love him too, especially Hatfield. Just goes to show you that good things come when you're least expecting it.


I saw this picture on Pinterest. It's so true. Life is hard. Some harder than others, but yet we judge people everyday. In recent years, I have really tried to step back and think about what people may be going through. Especially in the workplace. It may seem like that person is doing a terrible job or being awfully rude and short, but then I step back and wonder what obstacle might they be facing or what might have happened this morning. For example, Several years ago I worked with a lady. She was always late for class or would forget to come. It could get so frustrating. I later found out that not only had she found her husband dead but her son too, both suicide. WOW! How does someone live through that? There's that cashier or sales clerk that doesn't greet you. Yes, they should try their best to put a smile on their face but sometimes that is hard. I step back and look because I have been there. I had the crazy stalker ex-boyfriend who called my school phone rep


I often call Lilly Lou Lou. I don't know why, I just do. And she keeps proving that she is Houdini over and over. Last weekend, I left her in the camper while I took Hatfield outside. The next thing I know, I see her running down the road. She managed to open the camper door! Yesterday, I left them inside while I was at work. I came home and she greeted me at the door. I don't know how she gets out of her kennel but she does. I looked around and nothing seemed to be chewed up. Until... I went to put on my belt this morning. She had chewed the end off!!! So glad it was just a $10 Target belt. However, I still hope they have them. It was one of my favs to wear with dresses.

Weekend Away

I packed up the car, loaded the dogs and headed to see Kev Friday afternoon. He's now staying at an RV park so I could take both dogs. I actually like it better than the hotel and it's 2 minutes from the fantabulous outlet mall (which I have yet to make it to this weekend). We were going to head over there this morning but had a little problem with the electrical box on the camper. So our morning was spent with him repairing or should I say trying to repair that and I washed laundry. There's still hope before I have to leave. Here are a few pics from this weekend.  Nothing too exciting. The dogs when I first got there. They had this whole side to themselves but slept with us. Resting on Kev. Hatfield wasn't sure where to sit. Sunday we grilled steak and played checkers. (I picked up this board at Cracker Barrel.) I won!!! I'm truly ready for him to start working at home again. I miss him bunches when he's away. The animals do to!

What Does it Say?

I made a mad dash through Walmart to get a couple of items. I saw the magazine/book aisle and quickly grabbed a Cosmo to flip through this weekend. Later on back at the camper, I pulled it out only to realize it was Spanish! UGH!  I thought it was thin for Comso. So I have nothing to flip though, so I guess I'll surf the Internet instead.