Lilly follows me around EVERYWHERE! Whenever I leave the room she usually follows. If I use the bathroom, she is right under my feet. She lays on the bathroom rug while I shower. She lays on the kitchen floor when I'm cooking or cleaning up. The laundry room floor while I'm folding clothes and wants to be on the couch if I am sitting on it. I've wondered why she does this, until the other day. I realized I trained her to do this! When she was eight weeks old, I made her come in whatever room I was in. I even put a large pillow on the bathroom floor and shut her in the bathroom with me when I was getting ready. The reason? I was scared she would chew something up. Which she has done. But I also didn't want Hatfield to snap at her when I wasn't watching. He can be cantankerous at times. So... now I have a dog that thinks she must follow me around where ever I go!