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Showing posts from November, 2015

Thanksgiving and Gumbo

In this crazy time we are living in (Covid-19 pandemic of 2020), I have found my old blog. I have not post in over 4 years, but found some drafts I'm going to publish. I may or may not remember all the details of the pictures, but I'll do my best. I just want these out there as some documentation of my life in 2016. I plan on using this time at home to start documenting my life again. Boy how things have changed since 2016! So I'll start with this most from November 2015... Eery full moon sky. I guess I skinned my leg somehow. Not sure! (Where is my "I don't know" emoji?) Turkey Trot 10K. That's it! This is where I skinned my knee. I tripped and fell while trail running. I was used to running on the pavement. More Turkey Trot pictures. You bring canned food donations. I have never been able to run with my fiends because I stay in Hot spring the night before Thanksgiving. This particular year I forgot to pack my pants (again w