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Showing posts from May, 2016

The Weekend

Looks like my animals spent some time at my parent's house. Playing in the pool. This pool collects all the backwash from the  big pool. Looks like Indy got into something. She survived! Fun night out with the girls. I can't remember the occasion or celebration. Maybe just to be together.

A Garage, Some Wires, and a Bunny

I guess I decided it was time to tackle this garage and all of Kev's materials. I still had his tool box to clean out and all his tools. Before During After Still lots of gutter material and junk, but at least it's organized and easy to find. This is what the cords under the TV looked like! Talk about make you crazy. I pout Cody to work get them organized and bond together. I guess I didn't upload the after picture. Indy found a foot to some bird. Too large for chicken, maybe a turkey. I remember rescuing this baby rabbit. I think I found it in the garage. I saved it from the dogs.